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There are 3 options to get a CapTel phone


Apply through your State’s Equipment Program

Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation

Illinois residents may be eligible to receive a free CapTel phone through the Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation (ITAC). To apply, download the application and follow the instructions to complete and submit the application*.

Applications and more information about the equipment distribution program are also available at the ITAC website:

For more information:

Eric Pennell
3001 Montvale Drive, Suite A
Springfield, IL 62704
800-841-6167 (V/TTY)

For more information about Illinois Telecommunications Relay Service, please visit:

*NOTE: Ultratec provides equipment application forms and instructions only as a convenience to CapTel users. Ultratec is NOT involved with the application process, and therefore cannot answer questions about the status of your application. Should you have any questions about the application process, please check with your state’s equipment distribution program.


Purchase a CapTel Phone

Order Online:

Order By Phone:

(800) 233-9130


Qualify for a CapTel Phone at No Cost

People who cannot hear over the phone may be eligible to receive an Internet-based CapTel phone at no cost.  Requires high-speed Internet access and, in some cases, dial-tone telephone service.