Register Your CapTel Phone
Registration for CapTel models: 840i / 880i / 2400i
For Internet-only (VoIP) registration, go to:
For Internet-only (VoIP) registration, go to:
To activate the captions, please register your CapTel phone by completing the form below.
Per a recent change in regulations by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), all users of Internet-based Captioned Telephone services must register. This requirement is part of the FCC's effort to protect the captioning service from potential misuse by individuals who do not need captioning support.
CapTel users with any of the following models:
Per FCC requirements, the Captions feature on your CapTel phone may not be activated until the phone is registered. You will still be able to use the phone to make/receive calls, but there will be no captions.
Registration information gathered is secure and confidential in accordance with FCC requirements. It is not used for marketing or promotional purposes.
The FCC works to protect the captioning service from potential misuse by people who may not need captioning assistance. Your registration information confirms that you are a registered individual. All information provided is treated, by law, as confidential. View FCC Requirement for Personal Information. See also Consent to Disclosure of Personal Information.
The FCC requires verification of registration information in order for customers to use the captioning service at no cost. In accordance with our privacy policy, CapTel may on occasion contact customers to verify the accuracy of their registration information and update our records if needed. Customers are able to confirm and validate any contact from CapTel to ensure such requests are legitimate.
By law, registration information is maintained at the highest level of privacy and security. See CapTel Privacy Policy. For details on FCC requirements, view FCC Requirement for Personal Information. See also Consent to Disclosure of Personal Information.