Let’s talk about earwax
Though it’s far from a glamorous topic, it’s important to talk about earwax when discussing hearing loss.
Though it’s far from a glamorous topic, it’s important to talk about earwax when discussing hearing loss.
One tactic that people living with hearing loss use during conversations is speechreading, which is also called lip reading.
If you don’t know much about hearing aids but are just looking into trying them out, here is some very basic information to get you started, concerning how hearing aids work, how they fit and what they can do to improve your hearing:
If one of your resolutions for the new year was to start exercising more, a recent study suggests that bicycling is the best place to begin.
There are many common misconceptions about hearing aids.
Despite how simple it seems, good communication takes work.
Choosing a new health care practitioner in any realm can be a bit daunting. But after you’ve finally done the hard work of researching, selecting and visiting a new health care provider, it’s a good idea to assess him or her to make sure your needs were met and you feel comfortable.
The 2013 HLAA Walk4Hearing events were a huge success! Over $1.3 million was raised for programs and services that support people with hearing loss and their families. The 2014 Walk4Hearing events have begun and CapTel is once again a presenting sponsor for these events. You… Read More »2014 HLAA Walk4Hearing events have begun!
You probably know someone with high blood pressure or may even have it yourself.
Cataracts occur when the proteins in the lens of the eye become increasingly opaque, which results in a cloudy rather than clear lens and blurred vision.