New discovery of hearing mechanism could lead to better treatments
It’s hard to imagine that scientists and researchers don’t already know everything about the human body, but it’s true.
It’s hard to imagine that scientists and researchers don’t already know everything about the human body, but it’s true.
Spring has rolled in and summer will soon be upon us as well. This means the packing of winter clothes, arrival of spring blooms, planting of gardens and abundance of outdoor activities! While enjoying spring as it melts into summer, you should also be mindful… Read More »How to Protect Your Hearing Outdoors This Spring and Summer
Getting hearing aids can be a major change for many people.
People with hearing loss typically have some degree of hearing loss in each ear – it’s less common to have hearing loss in just one ear.
More than 50 million people in the U.S. have tinnitus to some extent.
If you’re the type of person who loves the great outdoors, whether that involves hiking, kayaking, jogging, long walks, bicycling or anything else where you can enjoy the sunshine and breeze, you might have concerns about keeping your hearing aids safe and dry during these activities.
For people with hearing loss, it can be difficult to hear in group settings, even for those who use hearing aids or other assistive listening devices.
Spring is just around the corner, and with it come the chirping of birds, budding of tulips and shedding of winter coats and layers!
If you’re living with hearing loss, you should know that in this incredible age of advanced technology, there are multitudinous hearing loss solutions for an active lifestyle, whether or not you wear hearing aids.
Living with hearing loss doesn’t need to limit how often you exercise.