DNA Implants Could Improve Your Hearing
With approximately 48 million people coping with hearing loss in the United States, advances in auditory technology have the potential to affect the lives of a huge percentage of the population.
With approximately 48 million people coping with hearing loss in the United States, advances in auditory technology have the potential to affect the lives of a huge percentage of the population.
Osteoporosis is a disease that reduces bone density and impacts the amount of calcium and minerals absorbed through bones, eventually leading to increase fragility and a higher likelihood for bone fracture.
Every year during the spring and fall marks another rendition of the Hearing Loss Association of America’s Walk4Hearing. This 5K walk-a-thon helps raise funds for programs and services for people with hearing loss, as well as overall auditory impairment awareness. Right now there are more… Read More »Hearing Loss Association of America’s Walk4Hearing
There has never been a more efficient and cheaper time to receive a hearing test than right now!
For those who are frequently having to travel through the air for work, flying can be tough on the ears.
In 1984, bass player and certified rock and roller Kathy Peck was jamming out with her band The Contractions at the Oakland Coliseum when she first realized the toll her hearing was taking.
Sometimes a person’s development of hearing loss through aging is a sensitive subject that tends to stir emotions ranging from embarrassment to frustration.
If you have recently been diagnosed with a variation of hearing loss, you are not alone.
Hearing loss is a common and natural part of aging, though it can also be noise-induced. Much research has shown that those most at risk for noise-induced hearing loss are people who work in construction, farming and other loud environments, or are musicians.
It has long often been stated that a glass of wine a day can help to keep the doctor away.