Are CapTel Captioned Telephones Hearing Aid Compatible?
Have you wondered whether CapTel captioned telephones are hearing aid compatible (HAC)? Read this post to find out about the HAC features of CapTel phones.
Have you wondered whether CapTel captioned telephones are hearing aid compatible (HAC)? Read this post to find out about the HAC features of CapTel phones.
Looking for healthy grilled cheese recipes? Spice up this time-honored classic with these delicious, cheesy recipes featuring fruits, veggies, herbs, and more.
This article outlines many ways to get involved with Walk4Hearing 2020 – some are virtual. Your participation helps raise awareness and funds for hearing loss support.
If you’re looking for a new read, discover these hot-off-the-press hearing loss books. Published in the last year, these new books about hearing loss offer helpful support and insights.
Did you recently receive a CapTel captioned telephone? Review this guide for helpful how-to videos and guidance on getting started with one of our hearing loss telephones.
During uncertain times, it’s important to care for your mental and physical wellbeing. Here are some simple tips for managing stress that can help you cope in trying times.
Do you wear hearing aids? This infographic that contains helpful tips for using a phone with hearing aids to help you make and receive phone calls with ease.
Check out this compact guide to find helpful information and resources for using CapTel 2400i captioned phone for hearing loss.
If you’re interested in supporting causes you care about, check out this article with seven community service ideas for seniors to do from in honor of Community Service Month.
Assistive technologies make it easier than ever for people with hearing loss to communicate with others. Discover common communication tools that can assist people who experience hearing loss here.