6 Hearing Protection Tips for Winter Sports
Give these hearing protection tips a try the next time you’re out skiing, sledding, skating, snowmobiling, or just spending time outside in a winter wonderland!
Give these hearing protection tips a try the next time you’re out skiing, sledding, skating, snowmobiling, or just spending time outside in a winter wonderland!
American Heart Month takes place every February, and is a great opportunity to do something good for your own heart health and heart health awareness!
Traveling with hearing loss doesn’t have to be complicated! With a bit of preparation and these handy accessories, your next travel experience can be a breeze.
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and love is in the air – check out this list of hearing loss-friendly, romantic ideas that will help you celebrate the day in style!
In honor of February being Friendship Month, we’re sharing some simple tips for maintaining a long-distance friendship.
Aside from being delicious, did you know there are several health benefits of dark chocolate? Learn more about the ways this sweet treat can help boost your health in this blog post!
Wondering how to get more fiber into your diet? If your doctor has suggested you get more fiber, thankfully, all it takes are some simple swaps. Check out this post for tips on boosting the fiber content of your favorite meals and snacks!
Looking to increase your participation in hearing loss organizations this year? Check out these suggestions on great ways you can get involved in 2023!
Shake up your morning routine this winter with one of these cozy, creative oatmeal recipes, including overnight oats and protein-packed options!
As winter sets in, try these tips for using hearing aids in cold weather to keep them working their best all season long!