Your CapTel phone lets you select which captioning method is used to generate captions during your calls (for CapTel 2400i/840i/880i models).
Auto Captions: Captions are entirely computer-generated
- No operator on the call
- Calls start almost immediately, no need to wait for an operator to begin the call
- Captions appear in real-time, with no delays
- You can switch to Assisted Captions at any point in the call

Assisted Captions: An operator facilitates captioning, making corrections & providing call details
- Operator assists with providing captions for the call.
- Operator may provide additional call details, such as background sounds & music on hold
- If the line connection is poor or there is static on the line, switching to Assisted Captions may improve accuracy.

Selecting your Captions Preference
- During setup: follow the on-screen instructions to select your Captioning Preference. Whichever method you choose will be used as the default method for your calls.
- If for some reason you do not select a Captioning Preference, the default method is Auto Captions.
- During a call: You can switch from Auto Captions to Assisted Captions at any point in a call by selecting the on-screen “Switch to Assisted Captions” icon (CapTel 2400i) or by pressing the DOWN arrow button (CapTel 840i/880i).
- If you would like to change your Captioning Preference setting, please press the blue button to contact CapTel Customer Service for assistance.
CapTel may adjust the captioning method of any call under certain circumstances, to provide you with the best possible captioning experience.
NOTE: 911 Calls are given priority and will be processed using Assisted Captions once an operator is available.