Per new requirements from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), some CapTel 800i and CapTel 840i customers will receive a postcard in the mail with a new label for their CapTel phone. This does not affect all customers, the postcard is only sent to customers whose phone doesn’t already have a label.
If you received a label in the mail, please follow the directions on the postcard to put it on your CapTel handset.
Why did I get this in the mail?
You received the label because our records show you are a registered user of an Internet-based CapTel phone that does not already have a label on it.
Because of a recent change in FCC regulations, all Internet-based Captioned Telephones, including your CapTel phone, are required to add this new label. The label reminds users that only the person registered to the CapTel phone may use it when the CAPTIONS button is turned ON. Other people can still use your phone as long as the CAPTIONS button is turned OFF.
Why did the FCC make this requirement?
The FCC is trying to protect the Captioning Service from being accidentally misused by people who do not need captioning support. By reminding people that only the registered CapTel user should be using the Captions feature, the FCC hopes to preserve the Captioning Service for those who truly need it.
Why do I need to put this label on my phone?
It is a new requirement from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which governs the regulations regarding Internet-based captioned telephones, including CapTel 800i / 840i /880i / 2400i.
What does the “federal law prohibits” wording mean?
The FCC wants to make sure that no one except the registered user uses the CapTel phone when the Captions feature is turned ON. The FCC is trying to protect the Captioning Service from accidentally being misused by people who do not need captioning support. The label is intended to be a reminder that the Captioning Service should only be used by a registered user. Other people may use the CapTel phone at any time, as long as the Captions feature is turned off.
Does this mean no one can use my CapTel phone except me?
Other people may use your CapTel phone as long as the CAPTIONS button is turned off. Per FCC regulations, only the CapTel user registered to that phone may use it with the Captions feature turned on.
My label got messed up when I tried to put it on the phone.
We’re happy to send you a new label to use. just let us know where to send it!
I have a CapTel 200 / 800 / 840. Do I need a label for my phone?
No, these phones are not covered by these particular FCC regulations.
Need a replacement label for your CapTel phone?
We’re happy to mail a new label to you – just let us know where to send it!