CapTel 840i: Setting the Time Zone

CapTel timezone settings

To set the Time Zone:

  1. With the handset hung up, press the YES button to see the Options menu.
  2. Press the DOWN arrow button repeatedly until Settings is highlighted. Press the YES button to select.
  3. Press the DOWN arrow button repeatedly until Set the Time Zone is highlighted. Press the YES button to select.
  4. Use the UP or DOWN arrow buttons to highlight the Time Zone that your CapTel phone is located in. Once the correct Time Zone is highlighted, press the YES button to select.
  5. Do you live in an area that observes Daylight Savings Time? If so press the YES button. If not, press the NO button.
  6. CapTel automatically sets the time, based on your answers.
  7. Press the NO button repeatedly to exit out of the menu system.