In addition to erasing messages one at a time as you play them, you can also erase all your saved Answering Machine messages at one time. To clear all your Answering Machine messages:
1. With the handset hung up, press the YES button to see the Options menu.
2. Press the DOWN arrow button until Answering Machine is highlighted. Press the YES button to select.
3. Press the DOWN arrow button repeatedly to highlight Clear All Messages. Press the YES button to select.
4. Press the YES button to erase all saved Answering Machine messages. If you don’t want to erase all messages, press the NO button to exit.
5. CapTel confirms that your Answering Machine messages have been erased.
NOTE: The display screen indicates when Answering Machine memory is close to filling up, letting you clear messages before the memory is completely full. If Answering Machine memory becomes full, CapTel will not be able to record new messages until older messages are cleared from memory.