Your CapTel 2400iBT keeps a list of information about recent calls, including calls that you may have missed. You can review captions from the call, the date and time of the call, and any Caller ID information if available. CapTel can even show you a picture of the caller if it is someone in your Contact list.
1. Previous calls: Touch the call you want information about.
2. Information about the call shows up here.
3. Indicates whether call was incoming, outgoing, or unanswered.
4. Date and time of the call.
5. Use the scroll bar to review entries further down the list.
6. Next/Previous: Lets you move up/down through entries in the list.
7. Delete: Erases the selected call from Call History.
8. Review captions: Review captions of the call.
9. Call: Places a call to this person.
10. Add to Contacts: Adds caller to your Contacts list.
Tip: Remember to first touch the call listed in Call History on the left side of display that you want to review. Once you touch the call listing, more information about the call will appear on the right of your screen, including a picture of the caller if you have added a picture for him/her in your Contacts list.