Importance of Accessible Communication for the Hard of Hearing
Having phones with different accessibility options is necessary for inclusion; here are a few things to look for in phones for people who are hard of hearing.
Having phones with different accessibility options is necessary for inclusion; here are a few things to look for in phones for people who are hard of hearing.
Some features of phones for the hard of hearing include adjustable volume, captioned calls, and hearing aid compatible phone systems.
Did you know there are different types of hearing loss? In this blog, we’ll look at types of hearing loss and how they affect phone communication.
There are many phones available to make communication easier; let’s look at the challenges people with hearing loss may have with standard phones and how to improve the calling experience.
Have you wondered whether CapTel captioned telephones are hearing aid compatible (HAC)? Read this post to find out about the HAC features of CapTel phones.
Did you recently receive a CapTel captioned telephone? Review this guide for helpful how-to videos and guidance on getting started with one of our hearing loss telephones.
Check out this compact guide to find helpful information and resources for using CapTel 2400i captioned phone for hearing loss.
Check out this compact guide to find helpful information and resources for using CapTel 880i captioned phone for hearing loss.
Are you looking for a hearing loss telephone? Here are some features that the best phones for hearing loss offer – consider adding them to your must-have list!
Check out this compact guide to find helpful information and resources for using CapTel 840i captioned phone for hearing loss.