Baltimore abounds with accessible attractions
Baltimore is known for its funky vibe, regal row homes, strong art culture and fresh seafood from the harbor.
Baltimore is known for its funky vibe, regal row homes, strong art culture and fresh seafood from the harbor.
Philadelphia is a city that is vital to the history of the United States.
Staying independent is important to most older adults as they age.
Beantown, The Cradle of Liberty – whatever you choose to call it, there’s no doubt that Boston played an important role in early American history and is an excellent city to visit. Boston offers hearing assistance at many of its top attractions, so you’ll be able to experience it all.
If you’re accustomed to living an active lifestyle and enjoy things like kayaking, hiking and rock climbing, hearing loss does not need to get in the way of your passions.
Minneapolis is a relaxed, progressive city in which people are friendly and cultural experiences are abundant.
New research has turned a stereotype about older employees on its head.
Life is full of changes. We grow older, make new friends, move to a new city, gain new family members, learn to use new technologies, become wise and experienced and the list goes on and on because, after all, the world is a vibrant, moving place.
Sunny Los Angeles is wonderful place to take a relaxing, escape-from-it all vacation.
Some people love to be busy and can’t imagine what they’ll do with themselves once they retire, while others continue to work for financial reasons.