Arthritis: Can your joints predict the weather?
You’ve probably either heard others talk about how their arthritis lets them know about a change in weather, or you’ve experienced this yourself.
You’ve probably either heard others talk about how their arthritis lets them know about a change in weather, or you’ve experienced this yourself.
Calcium is important throughout the life cycle, but it is especially important for growing children and aging adults.
It’s important for all of us to get adequate sleep each night to renew our bodies and give our minds a rest.
A new study by researchers in Finland has found that older adults with high levels of vitamin E in their blood were less likely to have a memory disorder than elderly individuals with lower vitamin E levels, suggesting that vitamin E is good for active senior living.
People living with hearing loss often develop excellent speechreading skills.
New York City is a great place to experience a variety of cultures in a lively environment.
If you have allergies, you likely look forward to winter as it gives you protection from the pollen, ragweed and other pervasive outdoor allergies that begin in the spring and often last through the fall.
A new study from University of California,Davis, has revealed the mechanisms behind the long-known connection between brain health and cholesterol.
Health is a big topic of many people’s New Year’s resolutions, whether that means focusing on physical health by vowing to hit the gym more frequently, or working on emotional health by spending more time with friends.
After not getting enough sleep on consecutive nights, most of us feel tired and sometimes a little under the weather.