How to Prevent Hearing Damage?
Here is what you need to know about sound to help prevent hearing damage.
Here is what you need to know about sound to help prevent hearing damage.
Here are a few tips to reduce the risk of falling and help maintain senior independence through increased personal and home safety.
A great way to stay connected with those closest to you is to take the initiative and invite your friends over for a dinner party.
Older adults may find that video games become one of their favorite forms of senior activity, and that games offer some surprising benefits.
Working out with a balance ball can help improve personal balance and strength, plus it’s fun!
Hearing aid maintenance is a staple of any hearing aid wearer’s routine.
Here are some tips to help make conversations with people with hearing loss easier and more enjoyable – for both of you!
Fall is an excellent time of year to enjoy the mild weather, community events and beautifully changing colors.
Excessive noise is one way hearing loss can occur in people of all ages.
Tips to make taking care of your heart health not just simple, but fun to do!