Making the case for chocolate’s health benefits
Maybe chocolate therapy really is a thing. A recent study detailing chocolate’s potential health benefits has been added to the canon of studies revealing potential health benefits of chocolate.
Maybe chocolate therapy really is a thing. A recent study detailing chocolate’s potential health benefits has been added to the canon of studies revealing potential health benefits of chocolate.
Research has shown that vitamin D, also know as “the sunshine vitamin,” is important for several reasons related to staying healthy and maintaining senior independence.
Biking is an excellent activity for boomers. Not only is it a fun way to get out and see things with your spouse or friends, it’s also a great low-impact exercise method.
Eating nutritious foods is important for remaining healthy and maintaining senior independence.
You don’t have to run marathons or bike miles to reap the benefits of exercise.
Older adults who stay active will achieve a higher level of senior independence for a number of reasons.
Volunteering and civic service have long been much-admired elements of American culture.
Tinnitus is often described as “a ringing in the ears,” but if you’ve recently started hearing whooshing, roaring or chirping sounds (among others) that no one else seems to hear, they could also indicate tinnitus.
Choosing the right hearing healthcare provider can seem like a big task, especially if this is your first time visiting an audiologist or another doctor about your hearing health.
Being physically active is important for senior independence and overall health, but sometimes, older adults have a difficult time finding physical activities that they enjoy or that are gentle enough for the joints.