Help your patients with hearing loss get a no-cost CapTel phone
CapTel Captioned Telephones show word-for-word captions of everything a caller says over the phone. It’s like closed captions on TV for phone calls.
Each CapTel phone offers exceptional sound quality, high-level amplification, and customizable tone & frequency control to best meet your patients’ hearing needs. The word-for-word captions help reinforce / confirm what your patients hear –giving them the confidence to enjoy talking on the phone again, knowing they’ll catch every word.
Qualify Patients for a No-Cost CapTel Phone
If an individual has difficulty hearing over the phone, they may be an ideal candidate for a no-cost CapTel phone. There is no set decibel level requirement. Simply complete and sign the No-Cost Order Form, confirming your recommendation.
Complete No-Cost Order Form on an Individual’s Behalf:

Hassle-free for Your Office
- CapTel representatives deliver the phone directly, no inventory for you to stock.
- We help identify which model matches patient’s comfort level.
- Free in-home or over-the-phone installation help and training provided
- 24/7 patient support
- No contracts or service fees
- No cost to you or your patients