Here are a few ideas of both outdoor and indoor exercises for spring to keep you feeling your best during the changing weather.

Spring weather can be unpredictable and may require workout plans to be flexible. There are plenty of fun and creative ways to keep fit either indoors or outdoors, whether the day brings rain or shine. With so many options available, you can keep your routine fresh and engaging no matter the weather. We’ve gathered a variety of options, including group activities, individual workouts, and ideas you can do at home. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new workouts.
Group Walking or Relay Walks
If the weather is nice outside, getting out and about for a walk can be a refreshing way to get some steps in. Consider walking with a friend or in a small group to catch up and chat about your latest favorite books or what is going on in your community. Consider doing short relay walks if you’re looking for some friendly competition. Get into groups and set the length of the course, like a block or short length of street, and have fun with a light-hearted walking race. This is a great way to get in some gentle interval training; you’ll be walking briskly for a short time, then resting while your friends take their turn.
Playing Pickleball
Pickleball is a combination of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, and it’s certainly a great time! Check out this intro to pickleball blog for details. This is a great activity to do in pairs or a group of four. It’s a fun way to pass the day, get in some steps and cardio, and the game can easily be modified to fit any fitness level. Pickleball can be played both indoors and outdoors. Check for courts in your community to join in the fun.
Wall Presses and Wall Sits
A great indoor workout that works your core, legs, and arm muscles are wall presses and wall sits. You don’t need any additional equipment to reap the benefits of this easy exercise. You can choose the level of difficulty by changing the angle of your sit and presses to fit your desired level.
Indoor Machines like Cycling or Rowing
When spring weather prevents you from going outside, consider using indoor equipment like stationary bikes or rowing machines. These can help you improve your cardio, build muscle, and work up a great sweat in a short workout. Spin classes can be a social event if you choose to visit a gym or studio as well.
Outdoor Gardening
If you’re ready for spring and are interested in a full body, low-intensity workout, gardening is a great way to get in a variety of movements, lifts, and stretches. Digging up garden beds, filling and lifting pots, moving trays of seeds, and more gardening tasks are all great ways to stay fit and build muscle. Make sure you’re using proper lifting technique when moving these items around.
Staying active during unpredictable weather doesn’t have to be a challenge. With these indoor and outdoor exercises, you can keep your body moving, maintain your fitness goals, and even discover new workout routines you enjoy. Whether you prefer structured classes or simple at-home exercises, there’s no shortage of ways to stay fit and have fun. For more exercise tips and ideas, visit the CapTel blog.