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Challenges People who are Hard of Hearing May Have with Standard Phones

There are a few challenges that may arise when using a regular phone with hearing loss; here are some tips on finding the right solution to good phone communication.

There can be challenges people who are hard of hearing may have with standard phones, so we’ve gathered tips on what to look for in a phone to help.

With hearing loss, it can be difficult to have easy conversations on the phone. Oftentimes, you may feel like the other person is mumbling, are having trouble with the volume of the call, sound quality, or are unable to lip read or view facial expressions and gestures that can help you understand the conversation. We’ve gathered some common challenges of regular phone communication and rounded up some of our best tips and tricks on improving phone communication for those with hearing loss in this blog.

Lack of Audio Controls

On many standard phone systems, there’s a lack of audio controls or limited volume capacity. A disadvantage to using a regular phone is that calls may seem too quiet or operate in tones that are difficult to hear or understand. With a specialized phone system, you can have a greater range of options like increasing volume, changing the tone or pitch of calls, and creating a sound balance that is easier for you to understand. All CapTel models have powerful speakerphones and adjustable volume and tone control.

Not Having Assistive Device Connection Capability

While many modern cell phones offer built-in assistive device capability, many standard landline phone systems may not. CapTel captioned phones are designed to enhance accessibility and communication by integrating with assistive devices such as headsets and neck loops. These connections enable users to customize their experience based on their specific hearing needs, providing clear and amplified audio for improved understanding. By pairing a CapTel phone with a compatible headset, individuals can enjoy hands-free conversations with enhanced sound quality. Similarly, neck loops work with hearing aids or cochlear implants equipped with telecoils, allowing users to receive sound directly in their devices, reducing background noise and ensuring a more comfortable, private communication experience.

Extra Background Noise

A standard phone may not come equipped with background noise-canceling features, which can make it difficult to understand. Using a phone with good sound quality or background noise-reducing features can make your phone communication experience smoother.

Not Using Captions

A huge disadvantage of using a standard phone with hearing loss is not being able to read along with the phone conversation at the same time. Using a captioned phone, like any of these CapTel models, allows you to read along in real time as the phone call is happening. It allows you to feel confident in your communication, reduces error or confusion, and is easy to use.

Having a phone that can make your calls and communication easier is important. There are many challenges people with hearing loss may have using standard phones, but there are a variety of tools and specialized phones that can help you feel confident with your phone calls. For more details on how CapTel’s phones can help, reach out to our team.