Learn about this common condition with these statistics and facts.

Tinnitus, the perception of sound in your ears or head that is not caused by an outside source, is a common hearing health issue that many people will encounter over the course of their lives.
But did you know there are different types of tinnitus, differences in symptoms and experiences, various causes of tinnitus, and remedies you can try to mitigate the symptoms?
In honor of Tinnitus Awareness Week, which runs February 5-11, here are seven facts about tinnitus to help you understand what it is, what causes it, and what treatment plans you and your doctor might discuss. Read on to learn more about them!
Causes of tinnitus
Tinnitus is most commonly caused by prolonged exposure to loud noises, like working on a construction site, serving in the military, working with loud machinery or in manufacturing facilities, or even attending too many loud concerts or events.
There is also an age factor; many older patients report hearing loss accompanied by tinnitus, so it’s vital to be aware of your hearing abilities and get regular checkups with your doctor or audiologist.
Other causes of tinnitus can be attributed to foreign objects in the ear canal, a build-up of wax, or neurological issues or head injuries. If you’re experiencing tinnitus, make sure to visit your doctor or an audiologist, who can better help you understand which type of tinnitus you’re experiencing and what the best treatment for you will be.
How many people have tinnitus?
Tinnitus is actually pretty common; that’s why events like Tinnitus Awareness Week are so important! It’s estimated that about 15% of the world’s population experiences tinnitus and that about 50 million people in the United States have symptoms of tinnitus.
Is tinnitus a disease?
It’s a common misconception that tinnitus is a disease; it’s actually a symptom of an underlying health issue. As mentioned before, that underlying issue can be a variety of things, so working with a medical professional to figure out what is causing the tinnitus is key.
Is tinnitus just ringing in the ears?
Yes and no. Some people do experience the ringing in the ears, but some other people report hearing different sounds, like buzzing, roaring, or clicking in their ears. Each case is slightly different, and the experience is different for each individual, too.
Once you have tinnitus, does it go away?
It can. Some people report having tinnitus consistently (a chronic diagnosis) but others report that it comes and goes, or it can be temporary. It depends on the type and cause of your tinnitus.
Is there a cure?
Technically, there is no “cure” for tinnitus, but that doesn’t mean you are on your own. Work with your doctor or audiologist; they’ll be able to offer a variety of treatment plans that may help with the symptoms or the underlying cause to relieve your tinnitus. They may offer medications, external sound input, or other hearing assistive devices to help with your tinnitus.
How else can you manage tinnitus?
White noise machines are popular with people experiencing tinnitus, as they help to dull the sounds heard in the ears (the ringing, whooshing, or clicking sounds) by giving the ears something else to focus on. Using hearing aids may also help you manage both the symptoms of tinnitus and any hearing loss you’re experiencing.
As we recognize Tinnitus Awareness Week this February, keep these seven facts in mind. As research expands, new treatment options and protection strategies continue to emerge. Be sure to contact your healthcare provider directly if you have questions or are experiencing tinnitus.
For more learning, check out some common myths about tinnitus, and keep reading all about tinnitus on the CapTel blog here!