Find out the impact untreated hearing loss can have on your health.

Whether you’re just beginning to experience the symptoms of hearing loss, have lived with hearing loss for a while, or have a close friend or relative who is having difficulty hearing, facing the challenges of hearing loss can feel overwhelming at times. Recognizing the support, resources, and treatment options available to combat those challenges helps put you in control of your own hearing health journey.
While staying informed about new technologies and emerging treatment options may not be “your thing”, research shows that treating hearing loss is crucial to our overall health and helps protect against other related health issues as we age.
Some of the reasons why it’s important to treat hearing loss include:
- Preventing additional hearing loss
- Boosting balance and movement
- Increasing independence
- Improving social experiences
- Navigating the workplace
Read on to learn more about these benefits and some additional tips and recommendations to help you navigate your hearing loss journey. As always, please consult your hearing healthcare provider with questions or to discuss your own hearing experiences.
Prevent additional hearing loss
Talking to your healthcare provider about hearing loss treatment as soon as you notice changes in your hearing can be essential to better manage your symptoms, reduce future hearing loss, and start taking early steps for long-term success. According to ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) there are distinct benefits to receiving medical treatment at the onset of symptoms, like combating depression, relieving anxiety, and improving interpersonal relations.
It’s important to reach out to your doctor or an audiologist if you start to notice changes in your hearing. They’ll be able to monitor your hearing abilities, take note of any trends or changes in your health and hearing, and be best suited to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.
Boosting balance and movement
Some forms of hearing loss come with an increased risk of balance or mobility challenges. A study from Johns Hopkins University found that balance is heavily influenced by your ears picking up subtle sounds, and your inner ears working to maintain your balance and equilibrium. If there’s something off, you may notice your balance is not quite as good, or walking is more difficult, and in some cases, you may experience vertigo.
Making sure you’re in contact with your doctor if you’re noticing any signs of imbalance is key. There may be certain medications that can help with feelings of vertigo, or using hearing aids may restore your sense of balance and help you maintain an active lifestyle.
Increasing independence
One common issue people with hearing loss experience is a sense of diminished independence, as you may need to rely on others for help with communication or feel limited to places and people you’re familiar and comfortable with.
Several types of assistive devices are available to help you branch out and regain that independence. Hearing aids and other assistive listening devices are great at amplifying sound around you and helping you navigate the world with more confidence and clarity. If you have trouble communicating over the phone, a CapTel phone can help you maintain your independence by showing you captions of everything your caller says.
If you’re interested in one of these, be sure to discuss it with your doctor or audiologist — they’ll likely have recommendations for the best fit, depending on your needs.
Improving social experiences
Another reason hearing loss treatment is so important is that it can help improve your social experiences. When experiencing hearing loss, many people can feel isolated, frustrated, or secluded from others, which, in some cases, can lead to anxiety and depression.
Talking with your doctor about the right treatment or assistive devices for you is essential so that you can have the confidence get back out there and maintain those friendships that are so vital to your overall well-being. You never know; maybe you’ll meet someone else with hearing loss and can share common experiences, talk about what new technology you’re trying, and support one another’s efforts!
Another great tip is to attend a hearing loss event. Events are a great way to get out there, explore new people and places, make some friends in the hearing loss community, and combat isolation.
Navigating the workplace
Working professionals often express concern that their hearing loss may impact the way they communicate with colleagues or customers at work. Discuss different hearing loss treatments, assistive devices, and ways you can advocate for yourself in the workplace with your audiologist. They can offer suggestions on how to effectively communicate in the workplace and receive the accommodations to help you stay in the loop.
The good news is there are many resources available to help with the changes you may be facing, and many people out there are going through the same thing. Talking with your doctor or audiologist to create the best hearing loss treatment for you is an important step to living your best life with hearing loss.
For more resources on hearing loss, keep reading the CapTel blog!