Give your heart some TLC this February.

While February is often associated with Valentine’s Day and paper hearts, it’s also American Heart Month! The goal of American Heart Month is to help everyone stay mindful of their own heart health and to make some small but significant changes or additions to improve their health for the long term.
Heart disease is a prevalent health issue in America today. Risks increase if you have a family history of heart disease, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes, or if you don’t exercise regularly. The good news is that you can help prevent heart disease by adopting lifestyle changes that are good for your heart.
There are a few simple but effective ways you can improve your heart health and reduce your risk of heart disease, including:
- Incorporating exercise
- Eating heart-healthy foods
- Getting involved in your community
- Scheduling regular physicals
Let’s read more about these tips and tricks for heart health this American Heart Month!
Incorporating exercise
A fantastic way to improve heart health is to incorporate some exercise, specifically cardio. Before starting a new exercise routine, be sure to talk with your doctor about what activities may be best suited for your body and goals.
One great way to slowly incorporate exercise is by adding walking to your daily routine. The American Heart Association recommends between 75 and 150 minutes of exercise each week; that may seem like a lot, but a gentle 30-minute walk each day can help you reach that goal! Plus, you’ll see additional benefits, like improved muscle tone, better balance, and potentially more energy, along with your heart health benefits. For the month of February, in honor of American Heart Month, make a (realistic and achievable!) goal for yourself of adding a walk into your routine.
Get tips on how to start a walking routine here.
Eating heart-healthy foods
This is health advice you’ve probably heard before, but what does that actually mean? Good question!
There are a lot of heart-healthy foods out there, but it really boils down to making sure you get enough fruits, veggies, and fiber in your diet while reducing the amount of sodium and saturated fats. If you need some advice on some specific items to look for and some to avoid, check out this guide here from the Department of Health and Human Services. You’ll notice it’s full of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean sources of protein.
As always, if you have any questions about nutrition and your specific health needs, be sure to check in with your doctor before making any major dietary changes.
Getting involved in your community
Another great way to celebrate American Heart Month and reap the benefits of heart-healthy choices is to get involved in your community. There could be a walk, charity event or heart disease awareness campaign in your area, or local businesses are banding together and hanging red ribbons in their stores for awareness. There is a large community out there, so getting involved, getting in a bit of exercise, and meeting new people are great ways to promote heart health and positivity.
Check out this list for more ways to get involved and celebrate American Heart Month!
Scheduling regular physicals
Look after your heart health by regularly scheduling physicals with your primary care physician. Your doctor will run tests and examine your heart health to provide tailored recommendations to better help and promote your long-term heart health. It’s a great way to check in and ensure you’re on the right track. A yearly physical also allows you to see years of baseline metrics, so your physician will have a lot of data in case things start to change.
Incorporating heart-healthy changes into your daily routine is a fantastic way to celebrate American Heart Month, both now and in the future!
For more activities you can do to maintain a healthy heart, check out this guide and some of the other helpful heart tips on the CapTel blog!