Check out these greatest hits from the CapTel blog!

Whether you’re a visual learner or prefer to absorb information by reading, infographics offer the best of both worlds. At CapTel, we love designing infographics that make hearing loss statistics and information more accessible and easier to understand (not to mention eye-catching!).
In this post, we’ll round up some of our readers’ favorite infographics sharing hearing loss statistics, tips, and interesting facts.
Topics include:
- Noise levels of common household sounds
- Tips for using a phone with hearing aids
- Important facts about hearing protection
- Safe vs. dangerous decibel levels
- Common causes of hearing loss
- Fun facts about the HLAA Walk4Hearing
- A guide to choosing a CapTel phone
If these sound useful, find the links and short descriptions below!
Noise levels of common household sounds
In this article and infographic, we provide a room-by-room guide to the noise levels of various common household appliances and activities. During your tour through the different areas of the house (including the living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, laundry room, and backyard), you’ll learn about the decibel levels produced by appliances like televisions, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, hair dryers, lawnmowers, and more.
Tips for using a phone with hearing aids
This post provides helpful advice on using a phone effectively for people who use hearing aids. It acknowledges the challenges faced when using a phone with hearing aids, such as feedback and sound quality issues, and offers practical tips to address these concerns. The article also explains why the type of phone you have can make a difference — like how hearing aid-compatible telephones can connect directly to your devices, while captioned telephones offer the advantage of reading the caller’s words on a display screen.
Important facts about hearing protection
We designed this infographic in honor of National Protect Your Hearing Month in October. The graphic and the accompanying article emphasize the importance of understanding and prioritizing hearing protection to maintain long-term hearing health. We explain three facts that people don’t often consider when it comes to the necessity of protecting their ears.
Safe vs. dangerous decibel levels
Noise-induced hearing loss is the most preventable kind of hearing loss, so it’s helpful for you to know how loud is too loud. In this article and infographic, we explain how decibels are measured and what it means for them to reach dangerous levels. Along the way, you’ll learn what kinds of sounds are safe for our ears and which ones can cause hearing damage (especially with prolonged exposure).
Common causes of hearing loss
Age-related factors are one of the most common reasons for hearing loss, but they’re far from the only one. This infographic sums up seven common causes of hearing loss, and the accompanying article goes into more depth to explain each one. Some causes are temporary, while others can lead to permanent damage, so we also explain the next steps you should take if you notice any relevant symptoms.
Facts about the HLAA Walk4Hearing
CapTel is a proud partner of the Hearing Loss Association of America’s Walk4Hearing, a nationwide fundraiser for hearing loss causes. This infographic shares five facts for anyone interested in learning about Walk4Hearing, including its history, the causes supported by the fundraiser, and how many people have participated in past walks.
A guide to choosing a CapTel phone
Not sure which CapTel phone model is right for your needs? This article and infographic suggest which model to get based on your needs and preferences. There are analog and internet-based models, options for people with low vision, and even a higher-tech touch-screen captioned phone.
Did you enjoy catching up on these articles and hearing loss statistics? You can view all our latest content at any time by visiting the CapTel blog here!