There’s more to enjoy about this summer treat than just its sweet and tart flavor!

Summer is the perfect season to enjoy all the fresh fruits and veggies you can get your hands on! Cherries, in particular, are one of the summer’s quintessential fruits.
They may evoke childhood memories of staining your mouth and hands with that sweet red juice or digging into a fresh-baked pie. And not only are they a delicious and refreshing snack, but the health benefits of cherries are plentiful!
To encourage you to make the most of this summer’s harvest, here are seven health benefits of cherries:
- Great source of antioxidants
- Improve athletic recovery
- Relieve arthritis symptoms
- Protect your heart
- Keep your skin glowing
- Promote healthy sleep
- Support mental health
Let’s sample these health benefits of cherries below!
Great source of antioxidants
Some of the most touted health benefits of cherries are rooted in their high antioxidant content. Antioxidants are compounds that can help reduce the effects of oxidative stress (a process where free radicals damage cells and tissues). By consuming more antioxidants, you can help to protect your body from that stress, which in turn leads to better overall health. Plus, antioxidants may help protect your body from chronic diseases like cancer.
Enhance athletic performance
Cherries are a great snack choice for athletes and active individuals looking to maximize their performance and recover faster. Studies have shown that cherries can improve muscle function and reduce soreness following intense physical activity. This is mostly thanks to anti-inflammatory polyphenols in cherries since intense exercise can stimulate an inflammatory response in the body.
Relieve arthritis symptoms
The simplest definition of arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Thanks to those anti-inflammatory properties of cherries we just mentioned, they can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis as well as other conditions related to chronic inflammation. Tart cherries made the official list of the best fruits for arthritis, with some research comparing their effectiveness to NSAID medication. Consider having a whole bowl of red berries while you’re at it, since strawberries and raspberries make the list as well.
Protect your heart
Cherries are a natural ally in the battle against heart disease. Thanks to all those antioxidants and anthocyanins, they help protect your heart by neutralizing harmful free radicals, reducing cholesterol, and promoting healthier blood flow. Learn about more heart-healthy foods and habits to protect your heart!
Keep your skin glowing
This benefit is also connected to the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in cherries! Many skin issues, like acne, eczema, or rosacea, are chronic inflammatory conditions, so reducing overall inflammation can keep your skin calmer. Cherries also contain vitamins A, B, C, E, and potassium, which work together to hydrate your skin and support collagen production.
Promote healthy sleep
Why gulp down artificial cherry-flavored sleeping medicine when the real thing is just as good? Cherries are a great natural source of melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycle. Consuming cherries (or unsweetened cherry juice) an hour or two before bed can help improve sleep quality and duration.
Support mental health
When you eat cherries, the bright colors and burst of sweetness might be an immediate mood-booster on their own — but there’s a science to it too! Cherries are a good source of vitamins and minerals that play a role in mental well-being. They contain vitamin C, which with reduced symptoms of depression. Plus, “>has been associated with reduced symptoms of depression. Plus, some research shows that cherries boost serotonin (the “happiness” chemical) and decrease cortisol (the main stress hormone).
Curious about some ways to add cherries to your summer diet beyond snacking on them plain? Make a fresh, zingy cherry salsa for your next picnic. Toss them in a smoothie with almond butter for extra richness and healthy fat. Add dried cherries to trail mix and take them on your next hike. Bake a healthy version of cherry cobbler for dessert. The options are endless, and with so many health benefits of cherries, your body will thank you!
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