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8 Activities to Boost Your Creativity

Spark your creative side with these activities!

When it comes to activities to boost your creativity, the sky is the limit!

Creativity is a fundamental part of being human — it allows us to explore our imaginations, express ourselves, connect with each other, and ultimately enrich our lives. Getting in touch with our inner creative side actually comes with benefits like improved cognitive function, more joy and less stress, and even a stronger immune system!

Many people think of creativity as something that comes naturally and can’t actually be learned. But in many ways, creativity is actually like a skill that can be practiced. It all starts with finding your favorite activities to boost your creativity. 

Here are eight ideas to choose from:

  1. Write or journal
  2. Travel somewhere new
  3. Do a puzzle
  4. Get crafty
  5. Cook a new recipe
  6. Sketch or paint
  7. Take a walk
  8. Listen to music 

Let’s learn more about these eight activities to boost your creativity!

Write or journal

Finding words and putting them down on paper is an intensely creative process, no matter what you’re writing about. You could try your hand at bringing new worlds and characters to life through fiction or find inspiration in your own real life. Journal about the day you just had, or look back on your favorite memories over the years and memorialize them in writing. There’s no wrong way to write!

Travel somewhere new

Experiencing a new place can be an incredible catalyst for creativity! Travel breaks the routine of daily life and makes you see the world in a new way. Exploring a new city, state, or country exposes you to a variety of brand-new sights, sounds, smells, tastes, textures, cultures, people, experiences, and more. If there’s anything to get you out of a creative rut and inspire new ideas and perspectives, this is it.

Not sure where to go? We’ve got you covered:

Do a puzzle

Puzzles are another great way to get the creative juices flowing. And we’re not just talking jigsaw puzzles: from crosswords to word games, there’s something for everyone. Puzzles offer a chance to combine problem-solving and logic skills with creative thinking to find the best solution. 

Get crafty

Whether you have a knack for knitting or love to make jewelry, crafting is a great way to get creative while expressing yourself. Plus, it’s a great way to make unique gifts for friends and family. Join a crafting group or class to learn new skills and techniques. Try a class in ceramics, woodworking, sewing, screen printing, or another craft that jumps out to you. Or, go DIY-style and do crafts with the grandkids.

Cook a new recipe

Baking and cooking can be a form of creative expression too! Experiment with new ingredient combinations and decorating techniques as you bring new flavors to life. Trying recipes from different cultures can open up a whole new world of potential ideas.

Let’s help you put your creative chef hat on:

Sketch or paint

Just like there’s no wrong way to write, there’s no wrong way to play with ink, paint, and paper! From simple doodles to elaborate watercolors, see what comes to life at the end of your brush or pen. If you’d like some guidance, painting classes are a great way to learn the basics of painting, from mixing colors to creating depth. They also offer a great chance to bond with other like-minded individuals and get inspired by their work.

Take a walk

Getting outside for a walk is one of the simplest things you can do to boost your creativity (along with the many other benefits of walking). The fresh air and movement will help clear your mind, freeing it for new thoughts and ideas. Pay special attention to your senses. Notice the little details of the leaves on the trees, the scent of blooming flowers, the feel of the breeze on your skin. Use all of these to inspire your creative writing or art!

Listen to music 

Music has the power to inspire and energize us, and studies have actually shown a link between listening to music and thinking creatively. Whether your genre of choice is jazz, classical, rock, or something else, jamming to your favorite playlist can help put you in the right headspace to come up with new ideas.

Are you looking forward to trying these activities to boost your creativity? Reach out to a friend to see if they’ll join you for a painting class or nature walk: sharing a creative activity is a great way to strengthen your friendships too!