Help keep your tinnitus symptoms in check with these suggestions.

Whether you’ve been experiencing tinnitus for a while or you’ve just been diagnosed, there’s never a bad time to learn how to manage tinnitus symptoms.
Tinnitus is a relatively common occurrence (roughly 15-20% of United States residents will experience it) that causes a persistent ringing, roaring, or other sounds in the ears.
While there is not currently a cure for tinnitus itself, there are several ways you can manage your symptoms and find some relief. Keep reading to learn helpful tips to manage tinnitus!
Work with your doctor to find a solution
The first, and most important way to help manage your tinnitus, is to work with your doctor or an audiologist to create a plan. Your primary care physician can refer you to an audiologist and will also know your previous health history to better offer solutions. Working with your doctor, finding an audiologist, and creating a medically-approved plan to help with your tinnitus symptoms are key.
Check out this blog on some treatment options your doctor may suggest for your tinnitus.
Another benefit to working with a healthcare provider is that they may want to look into the actual cause of your tinnitus to see if that can be resolved. Some causes, like exposure to loud noises experienced by military members, may be permanent. Tinnitus can also be a symptom of other underlying health problems, hearing loss, blockage of the ear canals, or neurological issues. Working with specialists to find the root cause is a great way to determine how to manage your tinnitus long-term.
Use background noises or noise-creating machines
When you’re first learning how to manage tinnitus, you may have heard that trying background noise is a great first step. Tinnitus can be especially obvious or uncomfortable when your surroundings are completely quiet. Consider putting on some background music, a white noise machine, or even a brown noise machine to create some sensory input.
Take your mind off your tinnitus
Another way to manage your tinnitus is to try and take your mind off of the sound for a while. That may sound easier said than done, but when you’re not focusing on the ringing or rushing sounds, they may fade into the background a bit. Consider doing something physical, like exercising, word puzzles or phycial puzzles, or activities like baking or cooking to take your mind off it. Some of those activities will also have the added bonus of creating more background noise, too!
Make lifestyle changes
Many people report that eating healthy foods, getting in a bit of exercise, and reducing caffeine and/or blood pressure helped minimize their tinnitus. Making sure your stress levels are low is another great way to reduce the ringing you may be experiencing. Making these lifestyle changes can help in the long run. Be sure to ask your doctor before making any dramatic lifestyle changes.
Find a support network
Being able to talk with other people experiencing tinnitus is a great way to compare research, find new methods of managing your tinnitus, and get support from others going through the same thing. Plus, you may make some great friends! Ask your doctor or audiologist about support networks in your area, or try searching the internet or social media for a group that would be a good fit for you.
Learn how to manage tinnitus from the experts
Check out the American Tinnitus Association, or ATA, for more details on tinnitus; you’ll be able to read the latest scientific articles and findings, check out some other causes of tinnitus, find other ways to relieve your symptoms and more.
For more resources on tinnitus, hearing loss, and other hearing health-related topics, keep reading the CapTel blog! It’s full of posts on hearing, audiology, and more that you may find beneficial as you learn how to manage tinnitus.