Try these easy ways to up your fiber intake!

We’ve all heard about fiber and how we probably should be eating more of it — but what exactly is fiber, and what does it do?
According to the Mayo Clinic, dietary fiber includes the part of some foods that your body can’t digest or absorb. It helps your digestive tract work as it should, can help maintain a healthy weight, and may be able to lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer.
If you’ve talked with your doctor and they recommend fitting more fiber into your diet, there are a few simple ways to do so, just by adding or replacing some of the foods you eat. If you have not discussed your fiber intake with a healthcare professional, please talk with them before making any changes to your diet.
Here are a few suggestions for ways to get more fiber into your meals:
- Switch to whole grains
- Add veggies and beans to meals
- Snack on fruit or popcorn
- Use substitutes in baked goods
Read on to learn how to get more fiber in your diet!
Switch to whole grains
Choosing whole grains over processed, bleached, or refined options is an easy way to eat the same foods you love while amping up the nutritional value a bit. Examples include whole wheat pasta, 100% whole wheat bread, brown rice, steel-cut oatmeal, and whole wheat flour. Pro tip: when these substitutions are combined with other flavors, like whole wheat pasta with a homemade sauce filled with seasoning and fresh veggies, you most likely won’t be able to taste a difference — in fact, you may find it has even more flavor!
Add veggies and beans to meals
Vegetables and beans are packed full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help our bodies function at their best. Many vegetables, especially non-starchy ones, are high in fiber and a great way to boost fiber intake. Trying adding beans and vegetables to soups, packing your chili with a rainbow of beans, sprinkling black beans or chopped veggies over nachos or tacos, or using sweet potatoes instead of regular white potatoes!
Snack on fruit or popcorn
Fruit and air-popped popcorn are great snack options to get more fiber in your diet. Some fruits are known for having high fiber content, like pears, apples, and berries. Popcorn is a whole grain as well, and it’s at its healthiest when it is made in a brown paper bag in the microwave or using an air popper to avoid added oils. Some fun ways to add flavor are to sprinkle cinnamon or cocoa powder for something sweet or cayenne or garlic powder for something more savory!
Use substitutes in baked goods
Adding fiber to baked goods by substituting some ingredients is another excellent option when learning how to get more fiber in your diet. White flour can be replaced by whole wheat pastry flour, coconut flour, soy flour, almond flour, or buckwheat flour. You can also add uncooked oatmeal, nuts, and seeds, or find recipes built around these wholesome ingredients.
Learning how to get more fiber in your day doesn’t need to be a hassle! A few small changes add up to help reach your fiber intake goals. Harvard Health Publishing recommends a minimum of three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every day, which can also help you reach your goals. And remember to drink lots of water!
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