Take the first step to having this important conversation.

When it comes to hearing loss, studies have shown time and again that having a supportive, straightforward advocate in your corner makes a world of difference in how someone manages their diagnosis and seeks treatment. If there is someone in your life experiencing hearing loss, such as a parent or other older relative or friend, you can be the advocate they need to move toward a healthy acceptance and management of their symptoms.
Although it can be challenging, it’s important for older adults and those advocating for them to be able to talk openly about hearing loss and other health concerns. We’re here to help you talk about hearing loss in a productive and respectful way with these tips:
- Choose the right time and place to discuss
- Be prepared for defensiveness
- Get educated about hearing loss together
- Accompany them to their first appointment
- Share the benefits of using technology
- Remain patient and supportive
Let’s talk about hearing loss together below!
Choose the right time and place to discuss
It’s important to have this discussion in the right context. Don’t try to talk to your parents in a loud or public place when they may already struggle to hear you and feel frustrated. Instead, choose a private moment in a quiet place where you and your parents can take the time for a direct and honest conversation.
Be prepared for defensiveness
From your parent’s perspective, they might feel like they’ve always had to be strong for their family and not admit new limitations. When you first approach them about hearing loss, their reaction may come in the form of stubbornness or pride. Try to begin the initial conversation from a place of kindness rather than annoyance and give them space to share their perspective. For example, you could share some of the signs of hearing loss and ask if they’ve noticed any of those changes over the past years.
Get educated about hearing loss together
Your parent may feel more receptive if the two of you are learning about hearing loss together. That way, it might feel less like a lecture and more like an opportunity to learn and improve together. There are things we can all do to better protect our hearing health, whether it’s learning about dangerous noise levels or taking care of our ears. You can also learn about the different types and degrees of hearing loss. Learning about the benefits of treating hearing loss may motivate your parent to take action after your talk about hearing loss.
Accompany them to their first appointment
If your parent is open to you being involved with their hearing care, schedule an audiologist appointment on a day you can both go. You can help them prepare for their first visit and take notes on what the audiologist says and the results of any hearing tests they perform.
Share the benefits of using technology
With so many new breakthroughs in hearing loss technology, your parent may not know where to start. They may opt to start with hearing aids as a way to restore some daily hearing function. If they don’t feel ready for hearing aids, other types of assistive listening devices can help as well. Captioned telephones can help people with hearing loss communicate better over the phone, whether they choose to use hearing aids or not.
Remain patient and supportive
Ultimately, while hearing loss does affect the whole family, remember that this is first and foremost your parent’s journey. Your role is to be a support person and cheerleader for them to live their best life! Explore the options together but ultimately allow them to make their decisions without too much pressure. Even if your first conversation doesn’t result in an immediate audiologist visit, planting the seed may be enough to trigger the thought of “maybe I should get this checked out” next time they notice a symptom.
Did you know that your parent with hearing loss may qualify for a free captioned telephone through CapTel? Learn about our no-cost CapTel phone program here.