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7 Ways to Make Exercise Fun

Staying active is easy with these fun and exciting exercise ideas!

These ways to make exercise fun will help shake up your routine and add some excitement to staying active.

Do you consider yourself a fan of working out? If not, you’re not alone! But it doesn’t mean you have to dread heading to the gym or force yourself to finish a workout you’re not enjoying. There are plenty of ways to make exercise fun!

The key is to find an activity that you enjoy and that fits your abilities and health situation. As always, check in with your doctor before trying a new activity to ensure it’s safe for you.

Ready to shake up your workout routine? Get inspired with these ways to make exercise fun:

  1. Give yourself goals and rewards
  2. Find “non-exercise” ways to exercise
  3. Make it a group effort
  4. Get motivated with music, podcasts, or shows
  5. Wear comfy clothes that you like
  6. Mix it up with variety
  7. Compete with yourself

Let’s look at all these great ways to make exercise fun!

Give yourself goals and rewards
If you feel like you’re just working out every day without anything to strive for, this might be a game-changer! Set concrete goals for yourself, such as “walk one mile” or “exercise three days a week.” Each time you reach a milestone, treat yourself to a reward, whether that’s a trip to the spa, new workout clothes, or whatever else you can think up.

Find “non-exercise” ways to exercise
There are so many ways to exercise that can feel more like a hobby than a workout! Some great examples of fun exercises include swimming, bicycling, dancing, hiking, and even gardening! Anything that gets your heart beating a little faster, engages your muscles, and moves your body can qualify as exercise!

Make it a group effort
Every activity goes faster and feels a lot more fun when you’re in good company! Invite friends to come with you for a weekly workout of choice, whether that’s a hike, bike ride, or home workout. Alternatively, join a group dedicated to this exact purpose — and make some new friends in the process!

There are group classes for so many kinds of exercises and activities, be it yoga, swimming, spinning, dancing/Zumba, hiking, biking, and more. Check out your local gym or community center to see what options they have available!

Get motivated with music, podcasts, or shows
Do you get pumped up by listening to energetic tunes? Or can’t wait to hear the next episode of a good podcast or watch the newest season of a show? Make exercise fun by saving some of your favorites for workout time! For instance, have a TV show that you only get to watch when you’re on the elliptical or doing home strength training exercises. Or find a podcast you save to listen to when you’re out on a walk.

Wear comfy clothes that you like
You’ve probably heard the phrase “dress for the job you want,” but a similar concept can apply to exercise! When you’re wearing comfortable, well-fitting workout clothes that express your style, that will naturally help put you in the right mood to get moving.

Mix it up with variety
No matter how fun an exercise is at first, it can get boring if you wind up doing it every single day. Try to find a variety of activities that you enjoy doing. Every day you want to exercise, pick one that you’re in the mood to do. Or, leave it up to chance by making an exercise roulette wheel or rolling a die to decide!

Compete with yourself
The best person to compete with is yourself from yesterday! Make it a goal to beat your exercise “high scores.” That could be increasing the number of steps you take per day, swimming more laps, biking further distances, doing more squats, etc.! Every time you’re able to do better than yesterday’s self, it means you’re getting stronger, and that’s a great thing!

Want some suggestions for a new activity to incorporate into your exercise routine? Check out these cardio exercises for seniors!