Celebrate and spread awareness with these suggestions.

In addition to warmer weather, flowers finally blooming, and songbirds finally singing, May is also Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM)!
The 2022 BHSM theme is Connecting People, and what better way to do that than by spreading the word about the month and raising awareness about hearing and communication health!
Whether you have hearing loss or a family member or friend does, you can show your support this month in a number of different ways. Keep reading to learn how to participate in Better Hearing and Speech Month.
Social media
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets are excellent places to highlight causes and issues that are important to you. Make sure you’re following CapTel on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest, as well as non-profit organizations such as the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), and the Hearing Health Foundation (HHF).
You can repost and retweet their posts and tag them in your own hearing loss-related social media posts. Engagement is key, so the more you post and interact with these accounts, the more your followers will see!
ASHA is also holding a social media contest for BHSM, Speaking Up for Communication, which encourages participants to earn points and win prizes by completing different social media-related tasks. If you’re a true social media fanatic, this activity is for you!
Speak at an event or write an op-ed
Many organizations will hold events related to BHSM for their local community chapters. If you or a family member have been impacted by hearing loss, consider writing a personal testimonial to share at one of these events. If public speaking isn’t your forte, perhaps you could work with the hearing loss organization to submit an op-ed to a local newspaper that might also be interested in highlighting BHSM.
Spread the word locally
Contact local businesses, schools, or other organizations that might be interested in participating in BHSM. Perhaps they can host or sponsor one of the events or create an event of their own. Here again, social media can be a powerful tool as these groups likely have larger followings than an individual and can leverage that and use their virtual megaphone to call attention to an issue affecting those in the community.
Get your hearing checked
Make an appointment with an audiologist to have your own hearing checked. If you’re comfortable, you could even post about the experience on your Instagram or Facebook account and encourage others to get their hearing checked.
Attend a Walk4Hearing event
The Hearing Loss Association of America’s Walk4Hearing events are a great way to raise awareness and funds for hearing loss-related causes. Many local chapters hold their walks in May, so you can participate while celebrating BHSM! Find the closest walk to you on the Walk4Hearing website — even if you don’t live close enough to participate in person, you can join the location closest to you and walk from your own neighborhood!
Talk with family and friends
Awareness starts close to home, so make sure your nearest and dearest also know how to participate in Better Hearing and Speech Month, and ask them to join you in upcoming events.
Keep reading the CapTel blog for more hearing loss information and resources!