Add these informative hearing loss books to your reading list.

Sitting down with a good non-fiction book can make us laugh, help us see different perspectives, educate us on important issues, and more. When it comes to non-fiction books about hearing loss, they can provide advice for living with hearing loss, help us cope, inspire us, teach us to navigate relationships — the list goes on.
Ready to dig into some of those excellent hearing loss books? Here are just a few non-fiction books about hearing loss to put on your reading list.
- What Did You Say?: An Unexpected Journey Into the World of Hearing Loss by Monique Hammond
- Seeing Voices by Oliver Sacks
- Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture by Carol Padden and Tom Humphries
- A Quiet World: Living with Hearing Loss by David Myers
- Smart Hearing: Strategies, Skills, and Resources for Living Better with Hearing Loss by Katherine Bouton
- Reclaiming Your Confidence: Real Life Tips for Managing Hearing Loss at Work by Debbie Lousberg
- Deaf Isn’t Dumb by Tara Chevrestt
- Shouting Won’t Help: Why I – and 50 Million Other Americans – Can’t Hear You by Katherine Bouton
- Rather a Small Chicken…: A Guide to Hearing Loss for Family and Friends by Pamela Heemskerk
What Did You Say?: An Unexpected Journey Into the World of Hearing Loss by Monique Hammond
In this book, author Monique Hammond not only details her own journey with sudden hearing loss, but shares a wealth of factual information as well! Learn about the research behind various kinds of hearing loss, the different types of assistive listening devices, support groups and resources for people with hearing loss, and so much more. As a pharmacist with decades of experience, plus her personal experiences, Hammond has so much great information and insight to share.
Seeing Voices by Oliver Sacks
Seeing Voices by Oliver Sacks is all about the rich systems of communication employed by people with hearing loss. Learn about sign language in the contexts of history and neuroscience, and the struggles that deaf communities have had to overcome along the way. The book was written in 1989, so hearing loss technology and deaf culture have certainly evolved since then, but there is plenty of insight to glean nonetheless.
Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture by Carol Padden and Tom Humphries
Written by a collection of different authors with hearing loss, this book dives into the unique and complex culture shared by those who use American Sign Language (ASL). ASL users have a rich heritage, filled with art, stories, performances, and history. It’s a great read for anyone who wants a better understanding of Deaf culture from the inside.
A Quiet World: Living with Hearing Loss by David Myers
When social psychologist David Myers began struggling with gradual hearing loss, he knew he could leverage his experience to help others. While technology has changed since its writing in 2000, it’s still an excellent read for anyone who has hearing loss or someone close to them who does. Myers describes what it’s like to live with hearing loss and gives hearing friends and family advice about managing the change.
Smart Hearing: Strategies, Skills, and Resources for Living Better with Hearing Loss by Katherine Bouton
Katherine Bouton has a lot of experience with hearing loss: she’s experienced it herself, authored books and columns on the topic, and serves in multiple roles with the Hearing Loss Association of America. Her book Smart Hearing weaves together personal anecdotes and inspiration with informative research and tips for those dealing with hearing loss.
Reclaiming Your Confidence: Real Life Tips for Managing Hearing Loss at Work by Debbie Lousberg
If you’re specifically interested or concerned about how hearing loss will affect your career, this book can help you put some fears to rest. Read stories of how others handled hearing loss at work and get tips for managing your job with honesty and confidence.
Deaf Isn’t Dumb by Tara Chevrestt
This vulnerable and honest book tells the story of its author, Tara Chevrestt, growing up with hearing loss in a world that wasn’t built for people like her. From bullying in school to miscommunications at work, it details the day-to-day struggles of having hearing loss in a hearing world. This is a great read for anyone — hearing folks included — who wants to be more conscious and thoughtful of how they interact with those different from them.
Shouting Won’t Help: Why I – and 50 Million Other Americans – Can’t Hear You by Katherine Bouton
Another one of Katherine Bouton’s books deserves to make this list! This one is specifically geared toward people afflicted with midlife hearing loss (herself included). Personal stories are interspersed with interviews from doctors, neurobiologists, and audiologists, to create a full picture of the impact of hearing loss on a previously hearing person.
Rather a Small Chicken… A Guide to Hearing Loss for Family and Friends by Pamela Heemskerk
Last but not least, if you give one book about hearing loss to your family or friends, Pamela Heemskerk’s short booklet should be it! It answers their questions (and questions they’d have never thought to ask) in a practical, often humorous way. When they’re done reading it, they should understand your experience in more depth and have a few tools to communicate better.
These are just a few of the many wonderful books about hearing loss. Check out your local bookstores, Amazon, or your local library to find more!
And for even more hearing loss content and recommendations, stay up to date with the CapTel blog!