Check out these mental health tips for seniors.

It’s no secret that being proactive about caring for our physical health is an essential part of living a healthy, happy life. We do all we can to eat healthily, stay active, and visit the doctor if we’re feeling unwell. But it’s just as important to be proactive with our mental health!
Research has shown that as many as one in five seniors experience some amount of anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns. If you experience symptoms of any of these conditions, you’re not alone!
Whether you’re caring for yourself or looking out for a friend or family member, keep these six mental health tips for seniors in mind:
- Explore mental health resources and info
- Practice self-care
- Seek professional help
- Connect with support groups
- Live a healthy lifestyle
- Keep in touch with friends and family
Learn more about these mental health tips for seniors below.
Explore mental health resources and info
We live in a time where the conversation about mental health is more open than ever. Resources for education and mental health help can be found in abundance online. Here are some top options to start with:
- The Administration on Aging (which includes resources for mental health and much more for seniors)
- Health In Aging: Care for the Mind
- (all about mental health for every stage of life)
You can browse through a complete list of 40 mental health resources for seniors here.
Practice self-care
When it comes to common mental health concerns, stress is one of the big ones. When a person frequently feels stressed out, it can have a ripple effect causing depression and anxiety, and even affect your physical health. Help ward off stress by practicing regular self-care! Curl up with a good book, take a long bubble bath, fit in a workout, try meditation, or unleash your creativity through art, music, crafts, cooking, or writing.
Seek professional help
Just like it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor if you’re feeling unwell physically, reaching out for professional support is essential if you feel like your mental health concerns are negatively impacting your everyday life. Start by talking to your primary care provider about how you’re feeling — they can point you to other resources for help, such as scheduling regular therapy visits with another professional or trying out medication to manage your symptoms.
Connect with support groups
Feeling isolated can be a common experience for people who have a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression. Support groups are an excellent way to reduce those feelings and connect with others who feel the same way! Members can share tips that helped them manage their symptoms and offer support to one another. Check Mental Health America’s list of support groups to find one that works for you, in person or online.
Live a healthy lifestyle
Did you know there’s a strong connection between mental and physical health? When you’re feeling down, cooking a healthy meal or going for a walk may feel like it requires a lot of effort. However, it can go a long way in helping you feel better! Three lifestyle changes that significantly impact our health and happiness are getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet with plenty of veggies, and moving your body regularly.
Keep in touch with friends and family
Strong social connections are another aspect of life that’s intimately connected to our physical and mental health. Thanks to technology, even if you can’t meet up with friends and family in person, you can still arrange fun times together from afar. Whether it’s a virtual game night or a call on a captioned phone for hearing loss, laughing with loved ones is some of the best mental health medicine.
Want more tips on living your best life and staying healthy (mentally, emotionally, and physically)? Keep browsing our health and wellness blog here.