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5 Facts About HLAA Walk4Hearing [Infographic]

Discover the journey this event took to become the largest nationwide fundraiser for hearing loss. 

Walk4Hearing began in 2006 and has raised more than $16 million since.

As the Platinum Sponsor of the HLAA Walk4Hearing nationwide fundraiser, we’re always excited about the amazing things this event helps to accomplish on behalf of those with hearing loss.

Whether you’ve attended a Walk4Hearing before in a city near you, or you’re just curious what it’s all about, we want to share some interesting facts about the past and present of the Walk4Hearing!

The History of Walk4Hearing
HLAA held the first Walk4Hearing in 2006 to raise awareness and funds for important hearing loss issues.

That first year, only six walks were held. Since then, there have been almost 300 Walk4Hearing events in dozens of cities across the United States. Over 100,000 people have participated, and the fundraisers have brought in over $16 million for important hearing loss nonprofits and community organizations!

Today, Walk4Hearing has risen to become the #1 nationwide hearing loss fundraiser, and we look forward to partnering with HLAA on the Walk4Hearing for many years to come.

Causes Supported by Walk4Hearing Funds
Funds raised by the Walk4Hearing have supported more than 1,750 alliance organizations since the events began. The money often goes to local nonprofits where it can be used to directly help the people who need it most in those communities.

Here are just a few examples of things made possible by Walk4Hearing funds:

  • Financial assistance for community members who can’t afford hearing care appointments, hearing aids, etc.
  • Accessibility technology for classrooms and public places
  • Scholarships and support for college students with hearing loss
  • Educational campaigns and exhibits to raise awareness and help those with hearing loss live well
  • Support for veterans with hearing loss
  • Working with hearing loss product manufacturers to source community feedback and improve the effectiveness
  • Advocacy on the federal level for better hearing loss laws and accessibility mandates

Visit HLAA’s Why We Walk page to see even more causes the Walk4Hearing supports!

June 2021 Virtual Walk4Hearing
On June 12th and 13th, the first Walk4Hearing events of 2021 will take place for California (Bay Area and Long Beach), Michigan, Wisconsin (Milwaukee), Connecticut, New York (Westchester/Rockland), and Tennessee (Nashville).

Due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns, these events will take place virtually as they did in 2020. This means that even if you don’t live in one of the states or cities listed above, you can register for one of the virtual walks and participate from anywhere! There will be an online celebration featuring speakers, performances, and live video chats to socialize. Afterward, you’ll walk in your neighborhood with members of your household or team of choice!

HLAA hopes to host Walk4Hearing events in-person in the fall, so make sure to stay updated on their website!

If you can’t join in on a Walk4Hearing, you can support a walker or team by donating! Or, work with your employer, church, school, or nonprofit to form an HLAA alliance group.

With the help of dedicated participants and supporters like you, we can all continue making the HLAA Walk4Hearing an amazing resource and wonderful event for years to come.

To learn more about hearing loss and the resources available to help those experiencing it, keep reading the CapTel blog, or contact a CapTel Outreach Educator in your area.