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Communication Tools for People with Hearing Loss

Learn about assistive technologies for hearing loss that can make it easier to communicate with others.

CapTel captioned phones are one communication tool for people with hearing loss.Communicating with others helps you share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with the rest of the world. If hearing loss has changed the way you interact with others, these four communication tools for people with hearing loss may help you feel more comfortable and confident when connecting to those around you:

  1. Hearing aids
  2. Captioned telephones
  3. Personal sound amplification products (PSAPs)
  4. Visual signaling devices

Keep reading to discover more about these assistive technologies for hearing loss.

Hearing aids
Around 30% of Americans aged 70 and older use or have used hearing aids. These small, wearable assistive listening devices channel sound directly into the ear canal and can help you hear better and understand speech more clearly. Many newer models of hearing aids also contain Bluetooth® capability so that you can connect to your devices for enhanced listening experiences. If you use hearing aids or are interested in this technology, you may also want to consider a hearing aid compatible telephone that can make it easier to connect with others over the phone.

Captioned telephones
CapTel captioned telephones for hearing loss display captions of everything your caller says over the phone, ensuring you’ll never miss a word again! This captioning technology is available in several models, including options with touch screen technology and a large display for enhanced readability. With built-in Bluetooth wireless technology, hearing aid compatibility, and an answering machine that captions your messages, people with hearing loss can enjoy the experience of talking on the phone again.

Review our hearing loss telephones selection guide to help you find the right captioned telephone for you.

Personal sound amplification products (PSAPs)
Designed with powerful and user-friendly technology, PSAPs amplify sounds in your environment and help reduce background noises. They work differently than hearing aids in that PSAPs are not considered medical devices and do not distinguish sounds that are easiest for the user to hear and decipher. There are a few different varieties of PSAPs, ranging from those that look like traditional headphones to others that are like an in-ear Bluetooth® device. Learn more about personal sound amplification products on our blog.

Visual signaling devices
Visual signaling devices use sound, light, vibrations, or a combination to alert people with hearing loss. These visual alerts can tell you when the doorbell or telephone is ringing, for example, and even help you know when it’s time to get out of bed in the morning! Other common uses of assistive listening devices with visual signals are for baby monitors and kitchen timers.

These communication tools and assistive technologies for people with hearing loss can assist in your everyday interactions with others, whether it’s at home or on-the-go. To learn more about how a captioned telephone for hearing loss can help you or someone you care about catch every word over the phone, call 800.233.9130 or visit today.