Pencil these inspiring and informative hearing loss events into your calendar this year.

While hearing loss can make you feel isolated, there is in fact a nationwide community of people facing the same challenges, discovering their own strategies, and sharing resources and success stories for living with hearing loss. There are a variety of events scheduled throughout the country that aim to bring people with hearing loss together – to provide support, to advocate for better access, to learn about the latest technologies, and to share experiences and tips. As this new year begins, consider attending one (or more!) of these hearing loss events.
2020 HLAA Walk4Hearing
Dates from May-November
We look forward to this event every year! The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) annually hosts these walks in cities around the country to help increase awareness of hearing loss. They also help raise funds for hearing loss support and a variety of initiatives, like college scholarships for students with hearing loss and financial assistance for people who need hearing assistive technology.
Find a Walk4Hearing event near you.
World Hearing Day
March 3, 2020
While this one is more of a hearing health awareness day rather than an event, you can personally mark it however you choose! It could be a perfect time to share your hearing loss story with a friend, share an awareness post on social media, make an appointment with your audiologist, or curl up with a hearing loss book. You could also check for local events or gatherings near you to observe World Hearing Day.
Learn more about World Hearing Day and how to register for email updates here.
CI2020 International Conference
Hyatt Regency Orlando | Orlando, FL
March 18-21, 2020
Need a reason to escape down to sunny Florida in March? Consider attending the 16th international conference on cochlear implants and other implantable devices. You can enjoy a scientific program filled with keynote lectures, panel discussions, and presentations of the research on cochlear and other implantable technologies.
Learn more about the CI2020 conference and register here.
HearTECH Expo
Ernest N. Morial Convention Center | New Orleans, LA
April 1-4, 2020
This expo is mostly geared towards audiologists, but if you’re interested in learning about hearing technology, you might enjoy exploring the rows of exhibitors. Some of the new and emerging devices will be on display. The event is running concurrently with an American Academy of Audiology conference, but you can register for just HearTECH separately as a non-member.
Learn more about HearTECH Expo here.
HLAA2020 Convention (sponsored by CapTel)
New Orleans Marriott | New Orleans, LA
June 18-21, 2020

For an uplifting collaboration of hearing loss resources and support, go to NOLA for the Hearing Loss Association of America convention that we’re so proud to sponsor again this year! There’s a research symposium, networking events, awards ceremony, and plenty of hearing loss-friendly workshops, talks, and exhibitors to explore. On Saturday morning, you can also join one of the Walk4Hearing walks! And don’t forget to plan some extra time on your trip to explore the birthplace of jazz and eat some beignets and jambalaya.
55th Biennial National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Conference
Venue to be announced| Chicago, IL
July 1-5, 2020
This year marks the next biennial NAD conference to be hosted in the beautiful summertime locale of Chicago, IL. While the details are yet to be finalized at the time of writing, attendees can expect exhibitors, workshops, and other family-friendly events. If you’re interested in attending this conference, mark your calendar and sign up for upcoming announcements here.
Learn more about the NAD Conference here.
AG Bell Global Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) Symposium
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront | Baltimore, Maryland
July 9-11, 2020
If you’re interested in learning about the latest research and innovations for children with hearing loss, you may be interested in the 2020 AG Bell LSL symposium. Featuring many new events, including a technology forum and mini-workshops, this year’s event will also include the opportunity to meet exhibitors and network with others at various social gatherings.
Learn more about the AG Bell LSL Symposium and register to attend here.
ALDAcon 2020
Sheraton Niagara Falls | Niagara Falls, NY
Oct 21-25, 2020
The Association of Late-Deafened Adults (ALDA) hosts an annual conference, and this year’s hearing loss event will take you north to beautiful upstate New York in the fall. While the 2020 theme has not been announced at the time of writing, the half-week convention is a mix of workshops, guest speakers, exhibitors offering interesting hearing loss products and services, networking, awards, food, and fun times (like karaoke!). All events are hearing loss-friendly, and everyone is welcome.
Check this page for ALDAcon 2020 details.
Which of these hearing loss events will you attend 2020? No matter where you go, make it fun and safe with these travel tips for people with hearing loss.
To learn how a CapTel captioned telephone can help people with hearing loss stay connected to family and friends, call us today at (800) 233-9130.