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2020 New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Seniors

Start the new decade with a bang!

One of the New Year’s resolution ideas for seniors on our list is to practice simple hearing loss prevention tips every day.With 2020 just around the corner, you may be looking for ways to make this upcoming year truly special. While many New Year’s resolutions don’t make it past February, some are so simple that they stick around all year. Ring in the new decade with these New Year’s resolution ideas just for seniors:

  • Practice simple hearing loss prevention tips every day
  • Find new ways to relax and recharge
  • Volunteer in the community
  • Dance more
  • Laugh often
  • Embrace new technology
  • Spend time outdoors
  • Try a new workout app
  • Cultivate your social connections
  • Travel somewhere new
  • Schedule routine hearing screenings

Learn more about each of these 2020 resolution ideas for seniors below.

Practice simple hearing loss prevention tips every day
In the New Year, commit to protecting yourself from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). From wearing hearing protection in loud settings to limiting your exposure all together, there are plenty of simple habits that can help protect your hearing health. On our blog, you’ll find hearing loss prevention articles that can help you follow through on this resolution.

Find new ways to relax and recharge
Resolving to find a bit of time each day to relax and recharge may be just the ticket next year. While relaxation feels good, it has also been shown to help the body manage a variety of conditions from insomnia and anxiety to chronic headaches and arthritis. To get this resolution underway, these seven relaxation techniques for seniors can help guide you toward a more rested and centered you.

Volunteering is a great way to get involved with your local community and make a positive impact. Whether you lend your talents, organize a donation drive, or simply spend time with a neighbor in need, there are plenty of ways to be charitable and make a difference in 2020. Check out volunteer ideas for seniors and additional volunteer ideas that help kids on our blog.

Dance more
If you need a reason to get up and move, look no further than these health benefits of dancing for seniors. Hitting the dance floor comes with a range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits, like improving your balance and boosting your heart health. Whether you’re a natural jitterbug or you think you have two left feet, these health benefits are reason enough to get your groove on in the New Year!

Laugh often
This New Year’s resolution idea for seniors may sound silly, but there’s something to the saying, “laughter is the best medicine.” Research indicates that laughing can reduce stress, soothe tension, and relieve pain. Whether you resolve to watch more funny movies, attend comedy shows, or exchange silly stories with your friends and families, take the pledge to giggle your way through the New Year!

Embrace new technology
Technology can certainly make life easier. If you’d like to embrace a new kind of technology in the New Year, learn about these assistive technology devices for seniors that offer flexibility, connection, and independence. From Amazon Echo to doorbell video cameras, assistive technology may be the perfect addition to your 2020 wish-list.

If you struggle to hear over the phone, a CapTel captioned telephone is another type of technology you may find useful in the New Year. These telephones for hearing loss display written captions of everything your caller says, so you can feel confident that you’re catching every word. Discover this and other benefits of captioned phone technology for hearing loss here.

Spend time outdoors
This New Year’s resolution idea for seniors is all about getting outside to enjoy the natural environment. Depending on the weather in your area, perhaps you’d like to enjoy winter walks in the woods, sledding with your grandkids, or try snowshoeing. Or, wait for the warmer months when you can swim, bike, or participate in other outdoor activities for seniors. Spending more time outdoors can help boost your mood, concentration, and overall health in the New Year.

Try a new workout app
Fitness apps for seniors make it easy and fun to get into an exercise routine that will stick with you long after the holidays have passed. From delivering helpful motivation to tracking the progress toward your goals, you can find customized assistance through free and low-cost workout apps on your smartphone or tablet. Before you begin, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure the exercise you have chosen is right for you.

Cultivate your social connections
Maintaining social relationships is good for our health and emotional wellbeing. Consider cultivating existing social connections in your life and build upon new ones in the New Year. Follow these four social wellness tips for seniors for helpful ideas.

Travel somewhere new
According to AARP, over 95% of Baby Boomers take at least one yearly leisure trip. If 2020 is shaping up to be a year of travel for you, keep these safe travel tips in mind, including requesting accommodations in advance and protecting yourself with travel insurance. Planning ahead and bringing a friend can also help ensure you have a safe and enjoyable voyage.

Schedule routine hearing screenings
Early detection is important in protecting your hearing health. With a new year just around the corner, now is the ideal time to schedule your annual hearing test and other routine medical check-ups. Contact your audiologist’s office for an appointment, then review this guide to eight different hearing tests to know what to expect during your exam.

These 2020 New Year’s resolution ideas for seniors can help you ring in the new year – and new decade – with a bang. For more tips and tricks for seniors, continue to our senior living and independence blog.

To learn how a CapTel captioned telephone can help people with hearing loss stay connected to family and friends, call us today at (800) 233-9130.