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How to Keep Long-Distance Friendships Strong

Discover ways to stay in touch with your best pals across the miles.

One way to keep long-distance friendships strong is by scheduling a weekly phone call.While friendships in life naturally come and go, increasing the miles between you doesn’t have to be the end. Long-distance friendships simply require a bit more thought and planning to keep them strong. Discover these five ways to stay in touch with your pals, no matter how far away they are:

  1. Schedule regular phone calls
  2. See each other over video chat
  3. Stay connected on social media
  4. Send a postcard or letter
  5. Plan an annual get-together

Keep reading to learn more about each of these hints to keep long-distance friendships strong.

1. Schedule regular phone calls
One of the biggest challenges of long-distance friendships is finding time to talk to each other. Now that you no longer have the convenience of hopping next door – or across town – to meet up, you’ll need to plan to make communication a priority. Reach out over the phone for a long, uninterrupted conversation at regular intervals. Schedule a weekly or monthly time when you’re both more likely to enjoy an undistracted connection.

If hearing loss keeps you from picking up the phone, consider a CapTel captioned telephone to help you catch every word.

2. See each other over video chat
Video chats may be the next best thing to seeing each other in person. The face-to-face nature of video can make the conversation feel personal, and you’ll also have access to facial and visual cues that can help aid in communication as you catch up with your pals.

3. Stay connected on social media
Social media is an easy, fun, and free way to stay in touch with friends across the miles. Platforms like Facebook can help you stay up-to-date with your friend’s life. Many social media channels have built-in instant messaging tools that let you privately “chat” online as well.

Read through these social media tips and technology tips for seniors to ensure you feel confident while keeping in touch online.

4. Send a postcard or letter
If you want to reconnect with a special friend, consider sending a postcard or letter to your long-distance pal. A personalized note that shows up in their mailbox is sure to brighten anyone’s day, and it can be a thoughtful way to let friends know that you are thinking about them and how much you care.

5. Plan an annual get-together
While there are many ways to connect with long-distance friends, there’s really nothing that compares to the happiness of seeing those you care about in person. To get your fix, consider planning an annual get-together. A relaxing retreat, road adventure, or just visiting each other’s homes can help you create new memories and keep your friendship going strong.

Planning a get-together with a friend? Consider incorporating one of these spring activities for seniors into your visit.

These hints to help keep your long-distance friendships strong show that genuine bonds can weather any distance between you. Interested in more reasons to invest in your friendships? Discover five health benefits of friendships here.

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