Show your ticker some love this American Heart Month.
Your heart beats an average of 50-100 beats per minute all day, every day. This American Heart Month, consider showing your hard-working ticker some love with these simple and beneficial heart health tips:
- Get a good night’s sleep
- Stay on the move
- Monitor your blood pressure
- Embrace healthy eating
- Avoid smoking
- Find healthy ways to relieve stress
Keep reading to learn more about each of these heart health tips.
1. Get a good night’s sleep
There are many health benefits of sleep, including a lower risk of heart disease. But just how much sleep should you get? Experts believe that individual needs are different, depending on your health, caffeine intake, quality of sleep, and more. Generally, most adults find sleeping between seven and nine hours each night helps them feel energized for the day, but your ideal sleep duration may differ.
Do you have trouble falling asleep at night or staying asleep? Discover these five tips for getting a better night’s rest.
2. Stay on the move
Regular exercise and movement can help keep your heart healthy. Consider simple ways to incorporate more movement into your routine like using the stairs instead of the elevator or taking a brisk daily walk around the block. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen.
3. Monitor your blood pressure
High blood pressure can damage the artery walls of your heart and create scar tissue, so it’s a good idea to visit your doctor regularly to have it checked. Experts recommend checking it every year or two depending on your reading, or as often as your doctor recommends.
4. Embrace healthy eating
Healthy eating is good for the whole body, including your heart. Committing to eating eight servings of fruits and vegetables every day, along with a diet rich in lean protein, whole grains, and low-fat dairy can help keep your ticker happy.
Check out these six heart-healthy foods to add to your diet here.
5. Avoid smoking
According to the CDC, tobacco use can increase the risk for heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease, a disease that narrows the blood vessels outside your heart. Avoiding cigarettes and other tobacco products can help improve your heart – and overall – health. If you are a current smoker, consider asking your doctor about a smoking cessation plan that will help you kick the habit.
6. Find healthy ways to relieve stress
Learning how to relieve stress in a healthy way is another heart health tip your ticker will appreciate. To combat stress and anxiety, try stress-relieving activities for adults such as yoga, drinking hot tea, or connecting with loved ones. Talk to your doctor or another trusted professional about additional ways you can lower stress for your heart and overall wellbeing.
If talking with loved ones over the phone helps you relieve stress, but hearing loss makes it difficult to hear every word, find out how a captioned telephone can help you stay in touch with those you care about.
This Valentine’s Day and beyond, consider using these heart health tips to give love to one of the hardest working organs in your body: your heart. For more helpful articles on health and wellness, visit our blog today.
The above information is provided for the education and enjoyment of our readers and is not intended as medical advice. Please check with your own doctor if you have any questions or concerns.