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7 Tips to Have a Healthy Holiday Season

Keep yourself (and your loved ones) healthy into the New Year with these hints.

One of our tips to have a healthy holiday season is to stay focused on the important things.During the bustling holiday season, it can be easy to overlook your health and well-being. To help you and your family make the most of this delightful time, consider incorporating these five tips to have a healthy holiday season:

    1. Focus on the important things
    2. Be in touch
    3. Prevent Illness
    4. Set realistic eating goals
    5. Feel good by doing good
    6. Find time to relax
    7. Embrace winter weather activities

Keep reading to learn more about each of these tips for the holiday season below.

1. Focus on the important things
While the holidays are meant to be joyful, they can leave some people feeling stressed, sad, or isolated. If you experience the “holiday blues,” try to stay focused on the things that truly matter to you. Whether it’s spending time with your family and friends, giving to others, or reflecting on the gifts in your life, doing things that make the season meaningful can help you feel more at ease.

If you’re experiencing depressive feelings that are overwhelming, make an appointment with your doctor to learn ways to find relief.

2. Be in touch
It’s easy to become overwhelmed in the busyness of the holidays, but the true joy of this festive time of year is connecting with the important people in your life. Reach out to those you care about, whether to share a cup of coffee, a conversation, or just to confirm holiday plans. If you can’t be together with family and friends over the holidays, find a moment to call or send a personalized note. If hearing loss is keeping you from calling, use a CapTel captioned telephone to catch every word they say. These conversations not only boost your emotional well-being, but they can be as meaningful as any stocking stuffer.

3. Prevent illness
The holiday season is also cold and flu season. To help prevent illness and boost your immunity this year, get your flu shot, wash your hands often, get plenty of sleep, and eat nutritious foods. If you happen to catch a bug, be sure and stay home so you can rest and help protect others.

4. Set realistic eating goals
Cutting back on unhealthy choices is beneficial all year round, but many people take a seasonal refocus during this time of year. Consider setting realistic goals for what you can accomplish and do all things in moderation. Saying you won’t eat any dessert all winter, for example, may be too ambitious. A more achievable goal would be to reduce your dessert intake by one every week or to eat smaller portions at festive gatherings. With realistic goals, you set healthy expectations for yourself as you embrace the holiday season.

5. Feel good by doing good
The holiday season is a wonderful time to pay it forward. Research shows that volunteering can improve your overall mood and even make you healthier. Consider helping at a local food pantry, organizing a donation drive, or reaching out to family members, neighbors, or other members of the community who could use assistance this holiday season. By doing good in your community, you will also feel good knowing you’re making a positive difference in someone else’s life.

Find ways to be charitable and give back to your community here.

6. Find time to relax
While the holiday season can be busy, taking time to slow down can do wonders for your health. Experts believe that stimulating pressure receptors through a relaxing massage can help reduce cortisol levels and boost your immune system. You can also use a tennis ball or foam roller on your back or take a yoga class to get the same effect. Even sitting quietly in meditation for a few minutes each day can help you reset.

7. Embrace winter weather activities
Make working out fun by incorporating physical activity into your plans with a seasonal twist. Bring your grandchildren sledding, take a walk around the neighborhood to view holiday decorations, or organize a snowman-making contest at your holiday gathering. If the weather outside is too chilly to enjoy, stay indoors and get creative with obstacle courses or other family-fun activities. Turning healthy habits like exercise into a new family tradition can make for new memories that will last a lifetime.

Do you or a someone you care about experience hearing loss? Read through our tips for navigating holiday gatherings with hearing loss here.

These five tips to have a healthy holiday season can help you feel your best now and into the New Year. For more health and wellness tips, keep reading our blog.