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10 Enriching Summer Activities for Seniors

Inspiration for making the most out of the warm-weather season.


One of the summer senior activities on our list is to go berry-picking.Starting today, summer is officially here! Now that the blue skies, sunshine, and warm temperatures have made their debut, you can start filling your schedule with warm-weather fun. On this first day of the season, embrace these 10 enriching summer activities for seniors:


    1. Go berry-picking
    2. Collect seashells or rocks
    3. Visit local farmers’ markets
    4. Volunteer
    5. Make homemade lemonade
    6. Relax in a hammock
    7. Watch a movie outside
    8. Roast marshmallows
    9. Fly a kite
    10. Plant an herb garden

Learn more about each of these summer senior activities below.

1. Go berry-picking
Berries are loaded with fiber and antioxidants, and offer a variety of health benefits – it’s no wonder they’ve been named one of the healthiest foods on Earth. In the summer months, wild strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are among the many tantalizing varieties growing in berry farms and orchards all over the country. When you’re looking for a summer activity for seniors, think about planning a berry-picking outing at a pick-your-own farm near you.

2. Collect seashells or rocks
If you live or vacation near the beach, spend a day combing the shoreline in search of beautiful seashells. Aim to arrive at low tide or just after a storm for the best pickings. Bring along a small shovel, a bucket or cloth bag, a mesh screen for sifting sand or mud, and a field guide book to help you identify the variety of natural wonders you encounter. No beach in sight? Explore inland landscapes with a rock hunting adventure. From geodes to fossils and turquoise to limestone, appreciating these geological wonders make for a glorious way to enjoy a summer day.

3. Visit local farmers’ markets
Area farmers’ markets give you the opportunity to support your local family farmers while enjoying fresh summertime air and connecting with your community. As you peruse some of the freshest produce in town, you may also discover new recipes and cooking techniques for enjoying these nutrient-rich foods. Use this interactive database to locate a farmers’ market near you.

4. Volunteer

Giving your time is a heartwarming summer activity for seniors. It helps you contribute to your community and support a cause you are passionate about. In the summertime, look for volunteer opportunities that celebrate the outdoors, like walking dogs at an animal shelter, cleaning up a park, or participating in a charity run-walk event. You can make a difference this summer and beyond by finding volunteer information and listings in your area today!

Find out how seniors can benefit from volunteering here.

5. Make homemade lemonade
On a hot summer day, what can be more refreshing than fresh-squeezed lemonade? You can make a pitcher from scratch by combining fresh lemon juice with a bit of sugar, then stirring in water. Pour in a splash of sparkling water for an effervescent punch or infuse it with berries and fresh herbs. Share a glass over ice with your family and friends or neighbors as you enjoy the cool summer evening breeze.

Learn how to get the most juice from your lemons here.

6. Relax in a hammock
Anthropologists believe that the first hammock dates back about a thousand years, and originated from the Mayan and indigenous people of Central America. The soothing rocking motion of this suspended bed remains popular today – and now we know why. Modern researchers suggest that the swinging of a hammock helps people fall asleep faster and deeper because it synchronizes brain waves. This summer, read a book or rock yourself into a peaceful slumber in a hammock of your own.

7. Watch a movie outside
Explore your area for summertime outdoor movie events featured at some local parks. Or, if you have a movie projector or a TV installed on your porch or patio, you can also create a do-it-yourself outdoor theater experience. Set the ambiance with cozy blankets, pillows, and movie-time snacks and enjoy this cinematic summer activity for seniors under the stars.

8. Roast marshmallows
Few childhood memories bring back quite as much nostalgia as roasting marshmallows over a campfire. On a chilly summer night, gather everyone together to share stories and laughs over gooey roasted marshmallows. Whether you like them plain or mashed between graham crackers and topped with a chocolate bar, summertime wouldn’t be complete without an ode to the tasty S’more.

No campfire? Learn how to toast your marshmallows in the oven

9. Fly a kite
While you may have been told to “go fly a kite” at some point in your life, when is the last time you actually did it? Kite flying origins began thousands of years ago in China. A popular pastime for people of all ages today, flying a kite can be a relaxing way to spend an easy, breezy summer day. If you’re feeling crafty, make a two-step homemade kite out of contact paper, string, and ribbon and give it a whirl.

Discover tricks and tips for flying a kite here.

10. Plant an herb garden
Finally, the last of our summer activity ideas for seniors is to plant an herb garden. Herbs like basil, cilantro, parsley, and dill are easy to grow and an excellent way to add flavor to any summer meal. Purchase your seedlings from a garden shop, grocery store, or farmers’ market, then plant your herb garden in the ground or in a container on a window sill that gets six hours of sun each day.

Check out 5 health benefits of gardening for seniors here.

What are you waiting for? We hope you’ll start enjoying these and other enriching summer activities for seniors today.

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