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6 Health Benefits of Swimming

This favorite summertime activity comes with many healthy perks.


One of the health benefits of swimming is that it can relieve asthma.In addition to being a fun way to spend your summer, swimming also happens to be one of the best full-body workouts for people of all ages. This low-impact sport can tone your muscles, offer a safe way to exercise your heart, and help you build strength and endurance. If you’re in search of an enjoyable way to look and feel great all season long, discover – or rediscover – swimming, and take advantage of these wonderful health benefits:

    1. Relieves asthma
    2. Improves sleep quality
    3. Reduces stress
    4. Promotes socialization
    5. Boosts brain function
    6. Improves posture

Keep reading to learn more about each of these benefits of swimming below.

1. Relieves asthma

If you have asthma or any other chronic lung condition, the heat and moisture of water can do wonders for your symptoms. Because dry and cold air can cause the bronchial tubes to contract, the warmth and humidity at a pool or other water environment can offer a soothing reprieve. If you’re swimming in a chlorinated indoor pool, however, be sure it’s well-ventilated and has high ceilings to help redirect chemical lung irritants from the pool area. And it’s important to talk to your doctor about a safe swimming regimen before you begin, especially if you use an inhaler.

2. Improves sleep quality

Experts recommend that most adults aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, and the higher quality of sleep, the better. If you have insomnia or sleeping challenges, an aerobic exercise like swimming can help improve your sleepand leave you feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

Check out more tips for getting a better night’s rest here.

3. Reduces stress

While most types of exercise have health benefits, research shows that swimming can be particularly beneficial for emotional and mental health. When you’re treading and paddling along, your brain’s neurotransmitters are firing and influencing mood- and stress-reducing hormones that can help you feel great.

Discover seven more ways to relieve your stress and find your happy here.

4. Promotes socialization
Another one of the health benefits of swimming is that it can promote your social well-being. Whether you take a class at your local community center or invite family and friends over to create new memories at your home pool, there are many ways that swimming can help you connect with others.

Are you experiencing hearing loss? Use these social tips to help you feel more comfortable in social settings.

5. Boosts brain function

Research shows that going for a dip increases blood flow, which can play a role in enhancing memory, clarity, and focus in your everyday life. So, dive in and enjoy a workout that benefits the body – and brain.

Interested in keeping your mind sharp? Try these 8 exercises for your brain.

6. Improves posture
Swimming can help you counteract all of the time you spend upright – or hunched over – when working, driving, or performing other types of exercise. Experts believe that the horizontal swimming poses can help improve your posture and reduce your risk for back injuries and pain.

Be aware of your own comfort level with swimming. If you prefer to stay in the shallow end of the pool, that’s fine!

Whether you front crawl, sidestroke, backstroke, or butterfly your way through the waves, be sure to protect your ears while you swim by:

      • Wearing earplugs that are specifically designed for swimming
      • Refraining from swimming in lakes, ponds, or other bodies of water with excessive amounts of bacteria that can get into your ears
      • Tilting your head to drain water out of your ears when you’re finished swimming
      • Using a clean towel to gently rub the outside of your ears and dry them

These health benefits merely scratch the surface on all of the ways swimming can help you feel your best, from the inside out. So, come on in – the water’s fine!

For more tips on activities that can improve your health, check out additional health and wellness blog posts here.