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5 Fun Things to do with Your Grandkids this Winter

Make heartwarming memories with these indoor crafts & games.

As Old Man Winter makes his treacherous mark on cities across the country, stay warm and cozy inside when spending time with the little ones in your life. If you’re looking for fun things to do with grandkids, these fun indoor winter activities are sure to warm your heart and make an imprint in your memory:

  1. Make ice crystals
  2. Bake kid-friendly cookies
  3. Pin the nose on a snowman
  4. Craft stained glass mittens
  5. Play a marshmallow straw game

Discover how to turn your home into your grandchildren’s favorite winter play place with more on these cold weather-inspired crafts and games below.

1. Make ice crystals

How to Make Ice Crystals
Photo credit: Sciencing – How to Make Ice Crystals

Just like your grandkids are unique, no two snowflakes are exactly the alike. Show your precious youngsters how special they are by creating one-of-a-kind ice crystals at home. Follow these simple instructions using a few basic supplies and watch your frosty creations begin to form as early as the next morning. Left untouched, more crystals will form in the days ahead – perfect for an extended sleepover at your place!

2. Bake kid-friendly cookies

When it’s cold outside, there’s nothing better than a warm, home-baked cookie! If your grandkids love being in the kitchen, try making a kid-friendly cookie recipe together that you can both can enjoy. Stick to basic recipes with few ingredients and simple instructions that allow little hands to experience the joy of creating one of life’s simple pleasures.

3. Pin the nose on a snowman

Sure, you could make a snowman the traditional way – or you could make an indoor game out of it! Start this winter activity for kids by designing or printing a snowman template and affix it to a wall. Write the names of each player on a carrot-shaped nose. Allow your grandkids to take turns blindfolding each other and pinning their carrot nose onto the snowman. The carrot closest to the center of the face wins. Be sure to keep the camera handy for this one – mom and dad will love to see their kiddos having so much fun!

4. Craft stained glass mittens

Stained Glass Mitten Window Decor Tutorial
Photo credit: Kinder Craze –
Stained Glass Mitten Window Decor Tutorial

If you love crafts, why not share your hobby with your grandchildren? Winter is the perfect time to craft mitten-themed décor that will look beautiful on your windows. All you’ll need for this activity is sticky contact paper, a mitten template, colored tissue paper, and scissors. Just follow the instructions on this teacher-designed tutorial to create a colorful mitten masterpiece you’ll be proud to show your friends and visitors.

5. Play a marshmallow straw game

Ready for a little fun around the kitchen table? Spice up your afternoon with a marshmallow straw game. It’s a fun thing to do with grandkids just before enjoying a cup of hot cocoa together. To play, set a mug in front of each player, then scatter marshmallows around the table. Set a kitchen timer for a minute or two. Allow each player to draw up marshmallows with their straw and place them in their mug. The one with the most marshmallows when the time is up wins and gets the first helping of hot cocoa.

These fun indoor winter activities for kids will keep your grandkids smiling while you make magical memories together all season long. Try one craft or game on this list each time they visit – and before you know it, spring will be here. Enjoy!

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