Surprising myths and enlightening facts that may challenge your perceptions.
Though advancements in hearing health and technology have come a long way, many misconceptions about hearing loss still exist. Lack of awareness and misguided perceptions contribute to the perpetuation of these myths. Uncovering the truth can help people with hearing loss – and those they love – feel more connected to one another.
Myth #1: Hearing loss doesn’t affect very many people.
The truth is that hearing loss, as a natural part of life and aging, impacts far more people than you may realize. Research tells us that about 20% of Americans, or 48 million people, experience some degree of hearing loss.
Are you having difficulty with hearing? Discover 5 signs you might have hearing loss here.
Myth #2: Only older people experience hearing loss.
This is one of the biggest hearing loss misconceptions. In fact, 40% of Americans with hearing loss are under the age of 60. Perhaps this misconception persists because it is true that the likelihood of hearing loss often accelerates with age, as reflected in this infographic.
Myth #3: Sign language is the best way to communicate with a person with hearing loss.
Not everyone who experiences hearing loss uses or understands sign language. In fact, many people who experience hearing loss gradually over time may not even recognize they have a communication problem. People with hearing loss often rely on a variety of strategies to help communicate, such as lip reading, assistive listening devices, and reading facial expressions.
Check out this infographic with what people with hearing loss want you to know when you’re communicating with each other.
Myth #4: People with hearing loss use hearing aids.
While hearing aids can be an effective approach for some people with hearing loss, they may not be the right choice for everyone. Many factors weigh into the very personal decision of whether to use hearing aids, including the associated costs, the realistic benefits, and an individual’s personal preferences. According to recent research, only 1/5 of those who could benefit from hearing aids decide to use them. Even if a person with hearing loss opts for hearing aids, chances are they chose to use other modes of communication for several years before seeking this option.
Thinking about getting a hearing aid? Check out these 6 tips for choosing a hearing aid that’s right for you.
Myth #5: Telephone conversations are too difficult with hearing loss.
The truth is that the emergence of caption technology has dramatically improved telephone communication for people with hearing loss. CapTel captioned telephones work just like any other phone, but also provide easy-to-read captions of everything the caller says. This clear, two-way communication allows people with hearing loss to stay connected over the phone to those they care about the most.
Watch this video to learn how CapTel works.
Now that you know the truth behind the most common misconceptions about hearing loss, you can be a better advocate for the hearing loss community. Interested in learning more about CapTel captioned telephones? Call our customer service department at 1-800-233-9130 or reach out to our expert captioned telephone support online today.