It can be tough to find the perfect gift for everyone on your shopping list around the holidays. If you’ll be buying for someone with hearing loss this holiday season, this may be the perfect time to introduce them to some of the exciting assistive devices on the market. There are plenty of handy gifts for people of any age with hearing loss.

For the people who like tech…
A CapTel phone: Many people struggle with their hearing loss when talking on the phone. It can be difficult to hear certain voices or to hear clearly through the background noise on the other end. A CapTel captioned telephone captions everything a caller says over the phone, so no one has to miss a single word. CapTel phones comes in traditional telephone styles or in models with a contemporary touch screen display.
A TV listener: These headphones allow people with hearing loss – or anyone who wants to watch TV without disturbing someone else in the house – to listen to the TV at a volume that suits them.
An alert system: You may not be able to hear the doorbell or the fire alarm if you have hearing loss. Alert systems will flash a light in addition to making a loud sound, to make sure to get your attention even if you can’t hear the alarm.
A hearing aid remote: A hearing aid remote allows people with hearing aids to discreetly adjust the volume of their devices to suit their location. It’s small enough to keep in their pocket and simple to use.
A personal amplifier: When people have hearing loss, it may be difficult to hold conversations in situations where there is a lot of commotion, like at a shopping mall or in the workplace. A personal amplifier tunes out background noise, helping to better hear the people in the conversation.
A vibrating alarm clock: This would be handy for people who are heavy sleepers, too! Rather than just emitting noise to wake you up, these clocks have an extension that you place under your pillow to gently shake the pillow to help wake you up. No more missed meetings or appointments due to oversleeping!
For the stylish…
Hearing aid accessories: These are an especially good present for children who wear hearing aids. Some kids are self conscious about letting others see their hearing aids. But with a little bling, the hearing aid becomes a fun fashion accessory. From butterfly wings to bedazzled charms, to superheroes, there are many vendors who sell handmade accessories on Etsy.
Smart jewelry: It seems that any jewelry can be made “smart” these days. Whether you just want to be able to put your phone away or you have a hard time hearing it when it rings, smart jewelry will flash or vibrate when you have a phone call or text.
If you’re crafty…
A handy hearing kit: A cute box or jar stocked with ear plugs, hearing aid batteries, some hearing aid cleaner and a carrying case will be convenient for anyone, and it doesn’t even cost very much to put together.