Nearly 48 million Americans, or 20 percent of the U.S. population, experience hearing loss, according to the Hearing Loss Association of America. For adults over the age of 65, the share of people experiencing hearing loss jumps to 33 percent. For many, hearing aids are an answer to help address hearing loss and the frustration that sometimes goes with it. For new hearing aid users, navigating the everyday use and maintenance of hearing aids can be a bit tricky. This is similar to all new things; becoming acclimated just takes a little time and patience! Here are four tips to consider when learning which hearing aid techniques work best for you:
Ask questions
- Do not be afraid to ask questions. Talking to your health care provider will ensure you are familiar with the capabilities and functions of your hearing aid. Specifically, ask about troubleshooting, upkeep and what you can expect to cover all of the bases.
Be patient
- The saying, “patience is a virtue” holds true when getting a hearing aid for the first time. It takes time to adjust, so do not be alarmed if sounds that were previously soft are now loud. In the beginning, you could try wearing your hearing aid for a couple of hours each day. Increase the amount of time you wear the device per day until you are completely comfortable wearing your hearing aid all day.
Clean often
- Taking care of your hearing aids is important for making sure they are working properly to give you the best results. Earwax can build up on the hearing aid and affect the sound quality. To clean your hearing aid, use a dry cloth or tissue to wipe down the shell and microphone. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the receiver is the second-most common source of hearing aid failure. To remove wax buildup in the receiver, use the wax pick for your hearing aid and gently scoop out wax until the opening is clear.
Get comfortable
- Your hearing aid should not cause any ear pain or headaches. If you think you are experiencing hearing aid-related discomfort, schedule an appointment with your health care professional or audiologist. He or she will make the appropriate adjustments to ensure complete comfort and relief.