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How to Prevent Hearing Damage?

We live in a noisy world. Sounds constantly surround us, and sometimes loud environments are unavoidable. Although hearing loss is a natural part of aging, exposure to loud noises can also cause hearing damage. Often it is difficult to determine if a noise volume is harmful or not. Here is what you need to know about sound to help prevent hearing damage:

Deciphering decibels
Sound is measured in units called decibels, which is determined by intensity levels. The scale starts at zero, which is near to total silence. This is the weakest sound that our ears can hear. A normal whisper is measured at 30 decibels (dB) and average conversation volume is 60 decibels. The scale runs to over 180 dB, which is the noise at which a rocket pad is launched. An increase in 10 dB means that sound is 10 times more powerful to your ears, and as a result, potentially 10 times more harmful. Here are some examples of common sounds and their corresponding decibel measures:

  • Humming of a refrigerator: 45 dB.
  • Moderate rainfall: 50 dB.
  • Dishwasher: 60 dB.
  • City traffic: 85 dB.
  • Lawnmower: 90 dB.
  • Chainsaw: 100 dB.

How loud is too loud?
Hearing loss caused by noise can happen a number of ways. It can be one time exposure such as a loud explosion, or it can happen gradually, like a person who works with power tools on a daily basis. Sounds of less than 75 decibels are generally safe and should not cause hearing loss. However, anything measured about 85 dB can cause hearing loss, especially with repeated exposure, according to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders. The louder the sound, the shorter amount of time it takes to damage hearing. But exposure over long periods of time can also cause damage. Some activities that involve loud noises include hunting, use of power tools, working with heavy machinery, playing in a band or attending loud concerts, etc. Anyone who is exposed to loud noise may be at a potential risk for hearing loss.

How to protect your hearing
If an environment with questionably harmful sound is unavoidable, you should wear hearing protection. Examples include earplugs and earmuffs. Earplugs fit in the outer ear canal. They can be purchased at your local drugstore. However, they also can be custom made, which is the preferred method for utmost safety. With custom-fit earplugs, the earplug fits more snugly in your ear and offers greater protection. Earmuffs fit over the entire ear to form an air seal blocking the entire circumference of the ear canal. Earmuffs are held in place by an adjustable band. According to the American Hearing Research Foundation, fitted earplugs or earmuffs can reduce noise by 15 to 30 dB. If you anticipate being in a loud environment, be sure to protect yourself with equipment.

Tips to minimize risks
Though sound can be measured and the scale is extremely helpful, the best way to determine if a sound is dangerous is constantly being aware of your body’s responses. Here are some tips to knowing if a sound could potentially be harmful to you:

  • You can hear a buzzing or ringing sound in your ears.
  • You have to raise your voice to an unnatural volume to be heard.
  • The noise hurts your ears.
  • The sound is so loud it vibrates.

If you are exposed to any of these noises, be sure to take precautions: put on earplugs or earmuffs, turn down the sound if you can or simply walk away. The more proactive you are about noise, the less chance you will be at risk for hearing loss.