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Arts & Culture contribute to active senior lifestyle

Staying social is one of the most positive steps toward maintaining an active senior lifestyle, and one of the best ways to get out there and mingle is through arts and culture. Whether you’re a full fledged artist, occasional piano player or looking for that first acting gig, expressing yourself creatively may not only prove therapeutic, but you may also be surrounded by like-minded people. Here are a few ways to explore the arts and culture scenes in your area:

Prove your acting chops
Even if the idea of performing makes you nervous, sharing your love of theater doesn’t have to involve reciting lines under the stage lights in front of a packed house. Many cities feature community theater programs that allow you to participate in everything from auditioning for a leading role to helping out as a costume supervisor. For seniors who are hesitant at the idea of participating in an actual theater production, try signing up for an acting class, where you can meet new people and share a few laughs during rehearsals.

Sing your heart out
Singing is a wonderful hobby that can soothe the soul and brighten your day, but it doesn’t have to be limited to the shower. Getting involved with a local chorus group is the best way to practice warming up your pipes, as well as meeting fellow vocalists. Whether it’s singing on Sundays at your local church or checking out a community organized karaoke event, belting the blues through a microphone may the easiest way to beat them.

Writing is never wrong
Have you always had that story in your heart that you know is just waiting to get out? Signing up for a local writer’s workshop is a great way to bounce ideas and share stories with other writers, as well as providing an excellent means to get out and socialize. Receiving a stranger’s opinion on your writing offers you an unbiased look that may help give the story the extra charisma it needs, and having the chance to see other people’s work can also inspire your own creative ventures.

Paint the town
For many people, painting possess unparalleled therapeutic value that can brighten your mood while lightening up the canvas. But a common misconception about art is that it’s solely a solitary activity. There are a variety of painting programs and classes to enroll in that provide seniors with an outlet for both your creative and social side. Pottery classes are also an interesting choice when it comes to exploring different takes on art.

How to get involved
There are a wide variety of programs available specifically for seniors looking to get involved in arts and culture in their community. Lifetime Arts is a program that offers seniors a chance to check out a national online directory to see what types of arts and culture services are nearest to you. Signing up for their newsletter is a great way to keep up with the latest arts-driven events geared toward seniors. Other options are checking with local community colleges or seeking out local galleries and venues to see if there are any opportunities to get involved in senior arts and culture activities.