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Alternative sources of therapy add to senior health

It’s no secret that the older we get, our bodies react in different ways to physical activity. The activities and pastimes we used to frequently enjoy may start to take a toll on our joints and muscles. When it comes to active senior living, the secret is not so much reducing physical activity, but finding the right sources for easing potential aches and pains when they occur. While regular doctor visits are always a good idea, there are many alternative therapy options that can help seniors maintain their active healthy lifestyle.

There’s been a long debate over whether or not acupuncture, the traditional form of Chinese medicine, is successful in alleviating pain. While the question remains unanswered, several studies have found acupuncture beneficial in soothing pain. In fact, researchers from Ohio State University have reported that nearly 3 out of 4 American adults aged 50 or older engage in alternative forms of medicine, including acupuncture. Another study involved researchers from The Chinese University of Hong Kong testing whether acupuncture was a suitable form of therapy for seniors living with mild cognitive impairment. Analyzing subjects between the ages of 65 and 79, the participants were given 24 acupuncture treatment sessions over the duration of eight weeks. By the end of the program, the researchers suggested that acupuncture was able to not only improve cognitive function with the test subjects, but also reduce the risk of dementia development.

Massage therapy
A relaxing massage can help you feel like a million bucks, and it turns out that various studies show massage therapy can provide several health benefits as well. One of the primary ways massage therapy can help alleviate tension is for seniors living with osteoporosis. A study funded by the American Medical Association found that 68 seniors living with osteoporosis reported having significant improvements to painful symptoms after having hour long massages twice a week for one month. Massage can offer a variety of additional health benefits including:

  • Reduced anxiety
  • Relieve digestive disorders
  • Treat soft tissue strains
  • Decrease headaches
  • Get a better night’s sleep

While the Mayo Clinic suggests that massage therapy shouldn’t be considered as a replacement for your regular medical care, it can be a helpful method to relieve temporary aches and pains for seniors on the go.

Vitamin and herbal supplements
Sometimes all it takes to feel better is to add more vitamins and minerals to your diet. Supplements are a great way to support an active senior lifestyle. Vitamin B12 is an excellent supplement that boosts red blood cell production and helps regulate metabolism. People who don’t receive enough vitamin B12 in their everyday life are more prone to feeling fatigued throughout the day. Omega-3 fatty acids are another healthy choice to add to your daily intake, because they can help decrease inflammatory complications with joints and muscles. Omega-3 fatty acids are also recognized as contributing to healthy brain activity, thought to improve cognitive function and reduce the likelihood of depression or dementia from developing.

Of course, before adopting these alternative approaches, it is important to consult with your doctor to make sure these approaches are right for you.