Hearing loss is gradually developing into something of an epidemic in the United States, with auditory damage statistics increasing every year. There are a reported 48 million people living in the United States with some variation of auditory damage, and one of the lesser discussed factors is hazardous noise levels in the workplace. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are an estimated 22 million U.S. employees that are exposed to dangerous sound frequencies at work, and another survey conducted by EPIC Hearing Healthcare has reported that 10 percent of full-time employees in the country have a diagnosed hearing problem.
All these statistics indicate that there is a problem occurring, but what can actually be done about it? Approaching a boss or manager to complain about auditory symptoms can be intimidating, especially if you are unaware of the rights you possess as an employee. Factors such as workers’ compensation and other mandatory occupational safety procedures are crucial when it comes to receiving the auditory care you need. It isn’t hearing loss that occurs in the workplace that is the problem as much as it is the condition going unaddressed or untreated, so here are a few tips to keep in mind if you feel you are at risk for occupational hearing loss.
The Hierarchy of Control
Every good business owner should know that the key to a successful practice or company is thorough communication practices. Occupational hearing loss is considered the most common work-related illness in the country, and if your job entails you to be subjected to noisy environments that reach decibel levels of 85 or higher for extended periods of time, you are at risk for hearing damage.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests using a workplace safety approach called the Hierarchy of Control to be proactive about hearing loss in the office. The steps that an employee should follow to seek auditory assistance from employers is as follows:
- Elimination
- Substitution
- Engineering controls
- Administrative controls
- Personal protective equipment
Meet with your employers to see if a certain piece of equipment or machinery is producing damaging noise levels and can be eliminated. If the equipment or problem cannot be removed, you may want to try to reach an agreement with management in which proposed piece of technology can be substituted for something that produces softer sounds. You can also check if altering certain settings or controls will eliminate any hazardous noises, and if that does not solve the problem, then it is time to inform your manager that if the situation cannot be resolved, further action needs to be taken. This can mean adjusting your schedule, switching positions or seeking relocation. At the very least, ask your employer to provide you with personal protective equipment, such as ear plugs or a headset to reduce dB levels endured at work.
Seeking legal action
After you have exhausted all of your hierarchy options and you are certain that your job is causing your hearing loss, filing for workers’ compensation might have to be your next line of action. Before you consider this option, make sure that you have sufficient evidence to back up your claim.
First, you will need to provide evidence from a hearing screening that you have indeed suffered auditory damage. You can either schedule a meeting with an audiologist, or take advantage of the Better Hearing Institute’s free online auditory screenings to receive testing. If you are able to provide medical records showing a decline in hearing health over the years, you’ll have better odds of winning your case. Official medical data, in addition to a sound level meter reading that proves your work environment produces hazardous noise conditions, will even further strengthen your litigation. Remember that it is your right as an employee to receive care if you are enduring hearing loss at work.